Massive Protests and Unrest in France: More than 1,000 Arrests and Counting

2023-07-01 09:34:50

Last update 11:46 Central European Time (CET).

Police made more than 1,000 arrests on the fourth night of riots in France for the death of a teenager shot by the police, whose funeral will be held this Saturday (07.01.2023).

French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin reported that the violence was “much less intense” than in previous nights, but his portfolio recorded 1,311 arrests and 79 police officers injured.

The number of detainees reported this Saturday is the highest since the riots began on Tuesday, following the death of Nahel, a 17-year-old boy who was shot at point-blank range by a policeman during a traffic control in a suburb of Paris.

Authorities reported that 1,350 vehicles were set on fire or damaged, 234 buildings burned or damaged, and 2,560 fires on public roads.

Massive police deployment to contain acts of violence

The death of Nahel M., whose family is originally from Algeria, stirred up the debate on police violence in France, where in 2022 13 people died in similar circumstances and generated criticism of law enforcement, perceived as racist by the population. .

The violence that spread throughout the country despite the deployment of 45,000 agents and the use of armored vehicles to stop the protests.

They failed to stop the acts of vandalism in cities such as Marseille (south) or Lyon and Grenoble, both in the center-east, where groups of people -in many cases hooded- looted shops.

#day #riots #arrests



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