Supreme Electoral Court Bars Jair Bolsonaro from Office Until 2030: Impact on Brazilian Politics and Elections

2023-06-30 23:09:24

Freitag, 30.06.2023, 23:09

In the abuse of office trial once morest former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, five out of seven judges on the Supreme Electoral Court voted to bar Bolsonaro from office until 2030. Two were once morest. This means that the far-right ex-president is excluded from the next presidential election in 2026. He says he is guilty of abuse of power for making unsubstantiated allegations regarding security flaws in the electoral system before his 2022 election defeat.

Bolsonaro’s lawyer rejected the allegations by the Attorney General’s Office. According to a report by TV Globo, Tarcisio Vieira de Carvalho said that the debate regarding the electoral system should not be a taboo subject in a democracy. Bolsonaro only wanted to help improve the electoral system. The electoral system in Brazil is completely electronic and passed a regular security test by the Supreme Electoral Court in May last year.

Bolsonaro now wants to appeal the verdict. During a visit to the city of Belo Horizonte, he announced that he would appeal to the country’s Supreme Court. He described the Supreme Electoral Court’s decision as a “stab in the back”. The right-wing ex-head of state was combative. “I’m not dead, we will continue to work,” he told journalists. With the judgment of the electoral court, the country is “on the way to dictatorship,” he criticized. But the verdict “does not represent the end of the right in Brazil”.

A dozen cases are currently pending before the electoral court once morest the 68-year-old for alleged abuse of his economic and political power in connection with the presidential election, which he lost to his left-wing competitor Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

Bolsonaro repeatedly cast doubt on the reliability of the electoral system and never explicitly acknowledged his election defeat by Lula last October. Earlier this year, a few days following his successor took office, radical Bolsonaro supporters stormed Congress, the seat of government and the Supreme Court in Brasília, causing extensive damage. It took hours for the security forces to bring the situation back under control.

The ex-president also faces four cases before Brazil’s Supreme Court. Among other things, it is regarding the attack by his supporters on the government district of the capital. Bolsonaro faces imprisonment.

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