40 Million Motorists Hail E. Leclerc’s Fuel at Cost Price Initiative

2023-06-30 07:58:14
40 Million Motorists welcome the initiative of the E. Leclerc brand © E. Leclerc 40 Million Motorists support the initiative of E. Leclerc © Yayimages During a good part of the summer, Leclerc stations will sell fuel at cost price © Yayimages Fuel sold at cost price allows you to save a few euros on a full tank © Yayimages It’s time for the big departures on summer vacation: the opportunity to go through a Leclerc station to fill up.. © Yayimages

The retail brand E. Leclerc announced on Wednesday that it would sell fuel at cost price for a good part of this summer in hundreds of its service stations. Enough to make the association 40 Million Motorists react.

This summer, between June 30 and August 13, 2023, from Friday morning to Sunday evening in France, the 696 service stations in the E. Leclerc network will sell fuel, diesel and unleaded petrol, at cost price. An initiative hailed by the association “40 million motorists” which applauds “the initiative of Michel-Edouard Leclerc in favor of the purchasing power of road users”.

Fuel at cost price for a good part of the summer at E. Leclerc© Yayimages

Tax reform

A resolution by Leclerc “particularly welcome in this summer period during which road costs can quickly cut into the budget available for households and even become a barrier to access to leisure and holidays” adds “40 Million”. However, “40 million motorists“do not forget its battle horse in terms of lasting reform on fuel prices in our country, recalling that”only a strong will from the State, which would result in a profound reform of the taxation of road fuelswould make it possible to give back to the users of the road a “power to drive” at the height of their needs.

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