Gas, taxes, payslips…: what changes on July 1, 2023

2023-06-30 05:08:12

Like every month, several changes will occur in the daily lives of consumers from July 1st. Here are some new things to expect from Saturday.

Regulated gas tariffs disappear

On June 30, the regulated gas sales tariffs (TRVG) come to an end. In force since 1946, these tariffs took the form of gas supply contracts set once a year by the State and marketed by incumbent suppliers. Since 1999, they coexisted with market offers freely set by gas suppliers (historical and alternative).

It is to bring French law into line with European law that the TRVGs are abolished: the objective is to allow the opening of the gas market to new suppliers with more competitive offers.

If you have a contract at the regulated rate, you have normally been warned in recent months, both by your supplier and the government. If you have not changed your offer to a contract at the market rate, your gas contract will not be cut: it will be automatically modified on July 1 by your supplier.

A new section on the payslip

As of July 1, your payslip will change with the appearance of a new section entitled “net social amount”, which corresponds to the amount of income taken into account for the calculation of certain social benefits, such as the activity or the RSA.

This will make it easier for employees to find their resources to declare to the family allowance funds, for example, to benefit from their rights. In concrete terms, this “net social amount” corresponds to the net income following deduction of all compulsory social contributions.

Other elements of the payslip will also be modified in order to simplify it. For example, the full amount of contribution relief paid by employers will be removed.

The declaration period for real estate is extended

This was the novelty of this tax declaration campaign: “Owners must, for each of their homes, indicate in what capacity they occupy them”, recalls the Ministry of the Economy. This new obligation is valid for individuals and companies. The deadline was set for June 30, but the government decided to extend the deadline by one month. The new deadline is July 31.

The declaration can be made online on the website via your personal space, in the “Manage my real estate” section. It is not necessary to declare the children. If they do not occupy a property themselves, the owners “must indicate the identity of the occupants and the period of occupation (situation as of January 1, 2023)”, recalls Bercy, according to whom some 34 million owners are concerned. by this new statement.

Changes in the payment of social benefits

The government announced in October that the payment of allowances (excluding pensions) to non-European bank accounts would be prohibited from 1 July 2023. This applies in particular to the ASPA (solidarity allowance for the elderly), benefits benefits, the RSA or even the supplementary disability allowance.

Only bank accounts located in the SEPA zone will therefore be able to receive these social benefits: these are therefore the countries of the European Union, as well as Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Monaco, San Marino , Andorra, and the Vatican.

The allowances are also revalued on July 1.

A revaluation of the index point of civil servants

For the second consecutive year, the approximately 5.7 million civil servants will benefit from a general increase. The Minister of Transformation and the Public Service, Stanislas Guerini, announced on June 12, 2023 a 1.5% increase on July 1, 2023 in the value of the point, which serves as the basis for calculating the salary of agents of the State, local authorities and hospitals.

Added to this is a flat-rate increase for all agents and a special effort for low salaries on January 1, 2024. State and hospital agents earning less than 3,250 euros gross monthly will receive a bonus. It will be at the discretion of territorial employers. The salary package includes other less important measures but having a concrete impact for civil servants.

The amount of assistance for the takeover or creation of a business increases

If you want to change career paths, you may be able to benefit from Arce (Aid for the takeover or creation of a business). This aid, paid by Pôle emploi and intended for jobseekers who create or take over a business, will increase on July 1. explains that its amount will increase from 45% to 60% of the rights to the return-to-work assistance allowance that remain to be paid. And to specify that only jobseekers whose contract ended on or following July 1, 2023 are affected by this change.

The “repair bonus” is increased

Created to encourage the French to have their electrical and electronic devices repaired more and thus extend their lifespan, the “repair bonus” was set up in December 2022. Until now, this bonus ranged from 10 to 45 euros in device function.

The government will ask eco-organizations to double the bonuses, which will for example go from 10 to 20 euros for small appliances (hairdryers, etc.) or to 90 euros for computers. Services previously excluded, such as the exchange of broken phone glass, will also be included.

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