TEST: Sunscreens for children mostly “good”

2023-06-29 18:00:35

13 of 17 products with reliable protection once morest UV radiation and without critical ingredients

Vienna (OTS) –
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CORRECTION to OTS0029 from 06/29/2023
were corrected: the number of products in the test,
and the second sentence of the second paragraph.
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Children’s skin is less protected from the sun than adult skin. Adequate protection is all the more important during the summer months. The Association for Consumer Information (VKI), together with Stiftung Warentest, tested 17 sunscreens with a high sun protection factor (30, 50, 50+) intended for children. The result is largely pleasing: 13 out of 17 products offer reliable protection once morest UV radiation and do not contain any critical ingredients. 4 sunscreens, on the other hand, had to be rated as “unsatisfactory”: they did not provide the advertised UV protection. All details regarding the test are now available in the test magazine KONSUMENT and on www.konsument.at/sonnenschutzmittel-kinder23.

Price does not allow any statement regarding quality

As is so often the case, the current test shows that the price does not allow automatic judgment of the quality. Three high-priced natural cosmetic products (from Mayben, Biosolis and Ey!), which are available for 14.94 to 21.99 euros per 100ml, had to be rated as “unsatisfactory”. The reason: they did not keep the advertised UV protection. For the same reason, dm’s “Sundance Kids Sun Milk” failed, which in turn was the cheapest product in the test (at 3.23 euros per 100 ml).

Be careful with “waterproof” and “water-resistant”

Sunscreens are often advertised as “waterproof” or “water-resistant” – this was the case for all 17 products in the test. “However, we take a critical view of this promise because it can give a false sense of security. Because suppliers are allowed to describe a sunscreen as waterproof if it still offers half of the originally measured protection following two 20 minutes in water,” explains VKI expert Birgit Schiller and recommends: “For children, you should make sure that you use suitable sunscreen with a high Use a sun protection factor of at least 30 and rub it on several times a day. This also applies if preparations are used that are marked as waterproof, because these are also washed off when bathing and splashing around.”

Additional test: T-shirts with UV protection – not all are convincing

For longer stays in the sun, children should not only be sunscreened, but also wear clothing that protects once morest UVA and UVB radiation. Another current test by the Association for Consumer Information on 15 T-shirts with UV protection (9 for children and 6 for adults) shows that not all products are convincing. 5 children’s t-shirts are reliable, while 3 products do not protect better than a normal cotton t-shirt and received an overall rating of “less” or “unsatisfactory”. The test results are also available online from today www.konsument.at/uvschutzkleidung23.

SERVICE: The results of the sunscreen test are available from today in the July issue of the magazine KONSUMENT and auf www.konsument.at/sonnenschutzmittel-kinder23. The current test for clothing with UV protection is online at www.konsument.at/uvschutzkleidung23 to find.

Questions & contact:

Association for Consumer Information
press office
+43 664 231 44 81

#TEST #Sunscreens #children #good



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