How to Protect Yourself from Poor Air Quality During Wildfires: Expert Advice and Tips

2023-06-28 21:54:32

In some parts of the United States right now, it’s a bad time to breathe. With several metropolitan areas engulfed in ominous haze, an estimated 87 million Americans face risks of poor air quality, due to smoke derived from Canadian wildfires that have been raging since the start of the month. These wildfires have triggered air quality alerts across much of the United States. Chicago, Detroit and Minneapolis are now among the cities with the worst air quality in the world, according to tracking service Even North Carolina, where I live, is under air quality alerts.

Despite the heavy haze, there are practical and effective steps you can take to protect yourself.

We reached out to two air quality experts to better understand how Americans can take care of themselves. Dan Westervelt, who studies air pollution at Columbia University Climate School’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and serves as an air pollution advisor to the US State Department, and Richard Peltier, a professor in the Department of Environmental Health Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, provided their expert advice via email. Here’s what we learned.

How dangerous is poor air quality?

Poor air quality can be dangerous for everyone, but especially for people with respiratory problems like asthma. people with lung and heart disease; old people; and pregnant women.

The Midwest is experiencing air pollution regarding 10 times higher than what health guidelines define as healthy levels of exposure. Westervelt said short-term exposure can lead to health issues such as coughing, sore throat, shortness of breath and itchy eyes, while long-term exposure can lead to heart and lung conditions. chronicles.

Exposure to wood smoke, in particular, is associated with induction of asthma attacks and worsening of heart disease. This makes people more susceptible to respiratory infections and leads to increased deaths.

“Some people might think that wood smoke should be harmless because it comes from a natural resource, in trees, but that mightn’t be further from the truth,” Peltier said. “We know that wood smoke contains many toxic chemicals, some of which are known carcinogens, and there is clear evidence from the world of scientific research that links wood smoke exposure to very harmful effects. important to health. »

Fortunately, there are effective methods you can use to limit exposure and potential side effects.

Proven ways to protect yourself when the air quality is poor

Here are some high-impact steps you can take to protect yourself from air pollution from wildfires and beyond, according to Westervelt and Peltier.

Inside you will want:

Close all windows. Turn on your air purifier or HEPA filter air conditioner. Avoid all activities that generate more pollution, such as burning candles and intense cooking. You should also avoid using a gas stove if you have one.

Limiting time outdoors is crucial when air quality is poor, but if you must leave your home, Westervelt suggests wearing a face mask and avoiding strenuous activities that induce heavy breathing, such as jogging or running. Peltier and Westervelt also recommend that everyone in your household wear an N95 or KN95 mask, although a properly fitted surgical mask can also help block the majority of particles.

Peltier also suggested asking your HVAC technician to upgrade your unit’s filters to higher MERV ratings during your next system service. MERV is an industry standard that describes how well filters can remove particles – the best filters have higher MERV ratings, typically 13 and above. Not all HVAC systems will tolerate higher MERV filters, so it’s important to get expert advice first.

“It’s important to note that most window air conditioners aren’t very good at filtering out these particles,” Peltier said. “The filter materials they use have very low MERV and don’t do much. »

Is using an air purifier effective for clean air?

Although air purifiers have become more common in the age of COVID-19, experts are divided on their effectiveness. Manufacturers in the United States are not allowed to market air purifiers as health products, although CNET’s hands-on testing has shown some to effectively filter particles from the air, especially if they use a HEPA filter.

“For indoor air quality, many air purifiers perform well, especially those that use high-efficiency particulate filters,” Westervelt said.

He recommends avoiding air purifiers that generate ozone, which will be identified as electrostatic and ionizing air purifiers. The US Environmental Protection Agency also warns of the risk of ozone-generating purifiers, as ozone molecules can have adverse health consequences, such as lung damage.

Peltier said air purifiers can be an effective method of purifying the air, but there are two important things to remember: they need to be the right size for the space you’re trying to keep clean, and these spaces must remain closed to the outside. He recommends using them only in places where you spend most of your time, moving the machine from room to room. For example, move it to your bedroom at night or to the living room during the day.

(Learn more regarding how air purifiers can protect you from wildfire smoke, allergens, and other particles.)

be ready

Westervelt said the air quality forecast can give you an accurate reading of the air quality index for a given region. He recommends as a real-time source for finding air quality data for your city, state, or zip code.

Peltier said hope for the best but prepare for the worst, given the health risks associated with continued exposure to smoke.

“We take regarding 20,000 breaths a day, and that happens whether the air is polluted or clean,” Peltier said. “When we breathe, we inhale air, but also the airborne content in that air, including pollutants, and draw it into the deepest parts of our lungs. This releases a wide range of different chemicals into our body which cause many adverse effects. health effects. »

For more tips on staying safe, read how air purifiers can protect you from poor air quality and what to keep in mind when shopping for the best air purifier. You also need to make sure your air purifier is in the right place and that it’s clean to make sure it’s working properly.

Although the devastation of wildfires can be heartbreaking, there are many steps you can take to protect yourself, your home and your loved ones. Here are some additional resources:

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