Ridiculous Reasons for Calling Ambulance: Doctors’ Perspective at Vidnovskaya Regional Clinical Hospital

2023-06-28 17:44:35

Doctors of the Vidnovskaya Regional Clinical Hospital are more likely to encounter situations when parents call a team of doctors to their homes for unreasonable and even ridiculous reasons, pediatrician Natalya Shevchuk told the Podmoskovye Segodnya online publication. For example, recently a 10-year-old boy with a mosquito bite was admitted to the VRCH hospital.

“The team was called with complaints of a mosquito bite and redness in this area. The child was really loaded into an ambulance, brought to an emergency consultation with pediatricians in a hospital. He was examined by a doctor because his mother insisted on hospitalization.”said the doctor.

According to her colleague, recently there was an even more ridiculous case of calling an ambulance team: a tear flowed into the child’s ear, which in fact does not pose a health hazard. And more recently, the parents sent their five-year-old son to the hospital, because they thought that the cabbage soup that he ate got into his lymph node.

“One boy had a congenital anomaly of the chest from birth, and his parents noticed it only at the age of 15 and called an ambulance. Children are often brought in with no stool for more than five days. We are not saying that you do not need to deal with this, but for such a period you should visit a doctor in a planned manner, and not call an ambulance, ” the doctor explains.

Such problems should be solved on an outpatient basis and through examinations. In such matters, the emergency services are incompetent, and in general they “should not perform a social taxi service.” Because of false calls, many people who really need emergency help are left without it, doctors complain.

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