Summer Davos Forum: Uniting the World for Global Economic Recovery and the Future of the ‘Belt and Road’

2023-06-28 16:12:00

China News Agency, Beijing, June 28th Topic: Helping the Global Economic Recovery Summer Davos Forum Focuses on the Future of the “Belt and Road”

China News Agency reporter Chen Su

Affected by factors such as the new crown epidemic, high inflation, and geopolitical conflicts, the global economy is facing severe challenges. How to “restart growth” has become a common issue facing all mankind. The 14th Summer Davos Forum, which is being held in Tianjin, is focusing on the “Belt and Road” initiative. Many participants believe that the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” will become an important engine for global economic recovery and bring new opportunities to the world.

Help economic recovery

Wan Zhe, a professor at Beijing Normal University and a researcher at the Belt and Road Institute, said that at a time when the world is facing many challenges, the “Belt and Road” initiative provides a broad platform that will play an all-round and comprehensive role in supporting the recovery of the global economy and truly realize “the Belt and Road Initiative”. Hard Unicom”, “Soft Unicom” and “Mind Unicom”. Infrastructure construction can provide support for local economic growth, increase employment, and enhance the stamina of sustainable development while uniting people’s hearts.

“The joint construction of the ‘Belt and Road’ has injected strong impetus into the prosperity and development of the world economy.” Liang Linchong, deputy director of the Regional Opening Department of the National Development and Reform Commission of China, said that since China proposed the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” initiative in 2013, it has attracted More than three-quarters of the countries and major international organizations around the world participated. At the same time, the fields of cooperation continue to expand, and the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” will focus on promoting the construction of a healthy, green, digital and innovative Silk Road on the basis of deepening policy communication, facility connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration, and people-to-people bonds, so as to contribute to global development. Cultivated new growth points.

As a participant of the “Belt and Road”, Zimbabwe has achieved good results in economic growth in recent years. Sekai Nzenza, Minister of Industry and Commerce of Zimbabwe, said during the forum that the “Belt and Road” initiative has practical significance for Zimbabwe. As a landlocked country, Zimbabwe is facing two major challenges: logistics barriers and energy shortages. “Belt and Road” related projects focus on Zimbabwe’s shortcomings and help Zimbabwe strengthen investment and trade.

Strengthen world connectivity

Under the impact of the new crown epidemic, the development of globalization is facing severe challenges. Reconnecting and strengthening connectivity have become an urgent need in today’s world.

Former Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said that in the past few years, global tensions have risen and talk of “decoupling” has emerged, “As a generation that grew up in the era of globalization, I do not want to live in such a divided world”.

He said that the “Belt and Road” initiative has brought many opportunities for economic growth and exchanges in various regions such as Asia, Europe, and Africa. An important mechanism for regional cooperation and mutual trust.

In the past 10 years, the cooperation among countries along the “Belt and Road” has become increasingly close, and economic and trade exchanges have become increasingly frequent. At present, the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” has basically formed an interconnection structure of “six corridors and six roads, multi-country and multi-port”. A number of landmark projects such as the China-Laos Railway and the Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Railway have been built. The China-Europe Railway Express has reached 25 countries in Europe. 213 cities; the level of trade and investment liberalization and facilitation has been continuously improved.

According to data released by the General Administration of Customs of China, in the first five months of this year, China’s imports and exports to countries along the “Belt and Road” totaled 5.78 trillion yuan, an increase of 13.2%. In the current downturn in global trade, the “Belt and Road Initiative” has played an important role in boosting global trade.

“‘Belt and Road’ has not only achieved rich results in the past ten years, but will also play a very important supporting role in global economic recovery, social integration and international political communication in the future.” Wan Zhe said.

Build a green future

Building a green “Belt and Road” is the proper meaning of the future of the “Belt and Road”. In the next step, China will further polish the green background of the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” when it cooperates with the “Belt and Road” countries in the fields of infrastructure, energy, finance, and climate change.

Liang Linchong said that China has integrated the concept of green development into various fields and the whole process of the joint construction of the “Belt and Road”. Initiated the establishment of the “Belt and Road” Green Development International Alliance. At the same time, it has jointly invested and built a large number of clean energy projects with Pakistan, Kazakhstan and other countries, effectively helping to jointly build national energy green and low-carbon development.

Liang Linchong gave an example that when China was constructing projects such as the Mombasa-Nairobi Railway, it specially built culverts for small animals and passages for large animals to promote the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.

In addition to integrating the green concept into the joint construction, Xin Baoan, chairman of the State Grid Corporation of China, said that China’s innovative achievements in the application of new energy technologies and clean energy have provided technical support for the joint construction of a green “Belt and Road”. In the future, we will further carry out cross-border technology development cooperation to help the energy industry chain upgrade and high-quality development of the “Belt and Road” partner countries, and inject new impetus into the world’s energy transformation.

[Responsible editor: Wu Liang]

#Helping #Global #Economic #Recovery #Summer #Davos #Forum #Focuses #Future #Belt #Road



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