Guardiola’s Visit to Abu Simbel: Exploring Egypt’s Ancient Marvels with the Manchester City Coach

2023-06-28 14:43:22

Masoud told “Sky News Arabia”: “Guardiola arrived at Abu Simbel International Airport via his private plane at nine in the morning, and then headed directly to the temple, which witnessed special preparations in the past days to receive this legendary personality in the field of football.”

The Abu Simbel Temple is one of the most amazing monuments in Egypt. It was built in the era of the 19th dynasty, specifically in 1264 BC, according to the official website of the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. The temple contains four giant statues that adorn its facade, as the sun passes over the face of the statue. Ramses II twice a year

And the chief inspector of the antiquities of Abu Simbel added to “Sky News Arabia”: “We met the Spanish coach in the hall of senior visitors. He received a quick and simplified explanation of the areas he will tour inside the Abu Simbel temple, then he rode with his family in electric cars for easy movement in the place.”

And Masoud continues to “Sky News Arabia”: “Guardiola was well aware of the nature of the hot weather in southern Egypt, so he took care to wear appropriate clothes for the visit as well as a hat and sunglasses, and his interest in the information he received regarding the writings written on the walls of the temple and the huge statues inside it was clear. “.

And Masoud goes on to “Sky News Arabia”: “The Manchester City coach’s family was keen to take many pictures and document their experience throughout the place, especially in front of the facade of the Great Temple and in the part dedicated to Queen Nefertari, amid apparent happiness on Guardella’s face.”

And the chief inspector of Abu Simbel antiquities added: “We gave the owner of the historical triptych a small model of the Abu Simbel temple, which is a local industry produced within the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, and I spoke to him regarding our happiness with his visit to Egypt, and our full appreciation for his position in the world of sports as an exceptional figure.”

And Masoud told “Sky News Arabia”: “Guardiola was interested in writing regarding his experience in the dedication record of the temple, expressing his joy at discovering Abu Simbel and being fascinated by the wonderful world of Egypt, and he informed us of his passion for our civilization, so I invited him to visit our country once more in the years. coming”.

The chief inspector of Abu Simbel antiquities notes to “Sky News Arabia” that the tour of Guardiola and his family lasted for regarding an hour and a half, following which he left for the airport to board his private plane and go to Barcelona in Spain, bearing a good impression of Egypt and its great monuments.

Masoud praises the humility of the coach, who won the European Champions League a few days ago, stressing to Sky News Arabia that he received the request to photograph him from the temple workers very warmly, despite the privacy he imposes on his visit to the archaeological sites in Egypt.

Guardiola made one observation during his visit to the Temple of Abu Simbel, according to one of those present on the tour, who refused to mention his name, which is the importance of providing greater lighting within the archaeological areas of the temple in order for the walls, inscriptions and colors to appear better due to the beauty of those priceless scenes.

#Fascinated #civilization. #Details #Guardiolas #message #leaving #Egypt



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