an alternative in times of high interest rates and credit shortages

2023-06-28 13:29:49

The Brazilian investor still maintains BRL 730 billion in savingsbut this alternative has been losing attractiveness compared to other investment products offered on open platforms (brokers) such as Warren.

The increase in interest rates enhances this movement, since when the Selic rate is above 8.5% per year, the yield on savings “freezes” at 6% per year + TR (Referential Rate).

The figures for the value of savings withdrawals are impressive: there were 81 billion reais in 2022 and, in the first five months of 2023 alone, 57 billion reais were withdrawn from savings (Sources: Abecip and Central Bank).

If, on the one hand, the maturation of the Brazilian investor, who has sought to invest better, is positive, the movement causes enormous apprehension in one of the most important sectors for generating jobs and income in the Brazilian economy: civil construction.

By regulation, at least 65% of funds raised in savings deposits must be invested in real estate financing lines (Source: Central Bank).

As shown in the graph below, we can see that we reached the highest level in relation to the balance of savings taken by the real estate sector.

Source: Warren and Central Bank

The alternative we see to meet this need is the Capital market.

The main objective of the capital market is to allow companies to raise capital by issuing securities, such as shares or credit instruments, and for investors to buy and sell these securities according to their strategies and expectations of financial return.

In this way, the capital market plays an important role in the economy.

That is, it is the way that the investor allocates his capital directly to projects and companieswithout the need to go through a bank, which raises funds and lends according to its interest.

To get an idea of ​​this movement, in 2021the Capital Market was a source of 26% financing of the civil construction sector.

Em 2023already totals 34% of the released resources.

A savings dropped from 46% to 40% in 2022 (source: ABECIP).

The exponential growth of Real Estate Funds has been very important in this movement.

5 years ago, there were only 200,000 investors in FIIs (real estate investment funds), today there are around R$ 200 billion of assets allocated in the sector and more than 2.2 million investors.

Comparatively, in the United States, around 45% of families invest in REITS (Real Estate Investment Trusts), the equivalent of our FIIs, showing that we are only at the beginning of this movement.

Already Warrenthe Capital Markets area carried out its first operation in 2021.

Since then, there have been 24, totaling more than R$ 1.5 billion in operations, a significant part of which destined for the real estate market.

A personalization is the main attraction of this service and is in line with Warren’s work model, which values ​​creating solutions designed for the needs of each client and without abusive fees.

While in traditional financing, made by banks, the developer needs to adapt to the already established rules, with Warren, we can, for example, do it with a longer term.

In the standard, the maturity is usually fixed for three months following the delivery of the Work. If the entrepreneur does not have much of it sold to pay off the financing, despair begins to hit.

It is also worth mentioning the costs, which in this type of operation the rate starts from the real interest rate, plus the risk of the operation. It varies from operation to operation, but today the market rates are lower than the traditional banking ones.

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#alternative #times #high #interest #rates #credit #shortages



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