Comprehensive Guide to Keratoconus: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

2023-06-28 09:00:28

In addition to the normal form, there is a pathological form that is characterized by the fact that it
1. is progressive (the cornea thins and becomes more and more pointed) and
2. vision is constantly declining.

The disease is divided into four stages. These are essentially defined by the remaining thickness of the cornea. In stages 1 – 3, the ametropia can be corrected with visual aids.

Typical symptoms in those affected are
– Frequent changes in glasses values
– Items are seen twice or more
– ghosting
– distortions
– fluctuating vision
– Streaks in the field of vision
– Increasing sensitivity to light and increased sensitivity to glare
– Seeing shadows on letters and objects
– Stars when looking at light sources
– Difficulty seeing in the dark and in dim light conditions
– permanently red eyes
– Severe impairment of vision in cold, dusty or stuffy air
– Fatigue and tension in the facial muscles
– frequent slipping or loss of contact lenses.

The exact causes of keratoconus are not known. Therefore, a cure is not possible. However, suitable contact lenses can permanently provide adequate care for 80% of those affected, resulting in satisfactory vision.

visual aids

At the beginning of the disease, glasses are sufficient in many cases. As a result, the special keratoconus contact lens becomes the drug of choice.

Keratoconus lenses are easy to use. Those affected can use them independently, without outside help. When worn, the eye is optimally supplied with oxygen through the lens.

These special lenses are custom-made individually and according to individual specifications.

Elaborate customization

With special measuring devices it is possible to record the corneal data precisely and also to measure the thickness of the cornea. Numerous other parameters must be taken into account. Nevertheless, initial difficulties should be expected when wearing it. In general, it is recommended to slowly increase the wearing time of the special lenses, as there is often a foreign body sensation in the eyes at first.

Keratoconus lens in Frankfurt do not cure the underlying disease, but they provide adequate vision.

Optician Carl Müller is your competent contact for glasses, contact lenses, magnifying vision aids/optical aids and eye examinations as well as vision training in Frankfurt am Main.

As a traditional optician company in the heart of downtown Frankfurt, we combine the customer orientation and sustainability of a family business with the highest level of modern opticians.

As your optician, we offer you 360° care in all areas of ophthalmic optics. Find out more regarding our company and our highly trained employees on our website.

company contact
Daniela Kupferschmidt
Steinweg 12
60313 Frankfurt / Main
069 / 91 33 53 – 0

Press contact
Sellwerk | TG Telefonbuch-Verlag Frankfurt/M. – Chemnitz GmbH & Co. KG
Kevin Hammerschlag
Wiesenhüttenstraße 18
60329 Frankfurt/Main
069 – 63 19 89 76

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