Swiss Federal Council’s Position on Commercial Exploitation of International Seabed Area: Protecting the Marine Environment

2023-06-28 07:45:39

Federal Council

Bern, 28.06.2023 – At its meeting on 28 June 2023, the Federal Council adopted its position on the commercial exploitation of the international seabed area (the Area) with a view to Switzerland’s participation in the 28th session of the International Seabed Authority (ISA) in Kingston, Jamaica next July. The Swiss representatives on the ISA Council and Assembly will defend the position of the moratorium on the commercial exploitation of the Area until the scientific knowledge on the effects of this is better known and the protection of the marine environment can be guaranteed.

The ISA organizes and controls all activities related to mineral resources in the Zone, outside national jurisdictions, for the benefit of humanity as a whole. This organization has the mandate to ensure the effective protection of the marine environment once morest the harmful effects that may result from activities related to the seabed.

Issues in the exploitation of the Zone

So far, the ISA has only issued exploration licenses for the Zone. There is now a growing interest from certain States and companies for the commercial exploitation of the Zone’s mineral resources, as these are potentially necessary for the energy transition. These include, for example, cobalt and manganese to manufacture batteries for electric vehicles.

A group of States, environmental organizations, scientists and companies are however calling for an at least temporary postponement of the start of commercial exploitation of the Area. New scientific data indicate that the exploitation of the seabed does not meet environmental protection requirements and that it represents a threat to the climate.

Swiss position on the moratorium

According to the current majority opinion of ISA member countries, no commercial mining in the Zone should take place without regulation.

Fifteen countries so far have gone further and come out once morest any commercial exploitation of the Zone at this stage, with or without regulation. True to its commitment to protecting the oceans once morest pollution and their sustainable development, the Federal Council has decided to take a stand for a temporary moratorium on the commercial exploitation of the Area, in line with its maritime strategy 2023-2027 , adopted on June 2.

Consequently, this exploitation must be suspended until better scientific knowledge of its effects is available and effective protection of the marine environment once morest its harmful effects can be guaranteed.

Address for sending questions

For more information:
Communication DFAE
Such. Press office +41 58 460 55 55


Federal Council

Federal Department of Foreign Affairs

#Federal #Council #takes #stand #moratorium #commercial #exploitation #international #seabed #area



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