Strict Probationary Conditions for Harassment Case: Music and Hunting Horn in Focus

2023-06-27 05:00:00

The court set strict probationary conditions. The person concerned will have to respect several conditions, such as no longer having any contact with his neighbors whom he harasses and follow psychological support.

In civil matters, the defendant will have to pay €8,300 to the victims of his multiple harassments.

Music and hunting horn

“He uses his hunting horn in the evening. He puts the music on full blast. Walks around wearing a hood and with a stick. Abandons the corpses of hens along the neighbours’ fence. He pretends to shoot with a rifle and throws gestures obscene”had described the deputy prosecutor, Stéphanie Brand, regarding the harassing behavior of this sixty-year-old retiree from Sainte-Cécile (Florenville).

Me Bertrand Billot, civil party, agrees:

“This man is unbearable, he terrorizes my clients, his neighbours. He goes into servitude, stares at my clients. Sometimes with his binoculars. My clients had to build a palisade to isolate themselves from the defendant. They have medical certificates for anxiety and insomnia. This must stop “, laments Me Bertrand Billot.

At the hearing on June 5, the defendant had promised that he would no longer harass his neighbors (but according to Me Billot, the defendant would have started once more quite recently).

Stéphanie Brand, for the prosecution, was of the opinion in her indictment to force the defendant to an Arpège training or a psychological follow-up within the framework of a one-year prison sentence with suspended probation.

It is in this sense that the judgment of Judge Nazé was pronounced on Monday morning, the judge even pronouncing a sentence greater than what the prosecution had requested.

For the defence, Me Alexandre Mignon had recognized the disturbances caused to the neighborhood, but had pointed out that the defendant “is not aware that he is disturbing the tranquility of his neighbors since he considers himself to be on his property. We are along a long local road. This case should have been resolved with a conciliation before the justice of the peace”had further pleaded the defense lawyer.

#sexagenarian #sentenced #SainteCécile #harassed #neighbors #hunting #horn

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