The Impact of Screen Proliferation on Children’s Health and Development: A Study and Survey

2023-06-27 17:34:00

Stress, anxiety, dysmorphophobia, or even eating and sleeping disorders: studies have followed one another for several months to alert to the health risks inherent in the time spent in front of screens during childhood and adolescence. A feeling shared by parents, who are particularly concerned regarding the impact of the proliferation of screens on the development of children, as revealed by a new study.

Nearly nine out of ten parents see the proliferation of screens as a threat to the development of children, according to a survey.

diego_cervo / Getty Images

Smartphones, tablets, computers, video games: screens can multiply at breakneck speed in the life of a child or teenager with all the consequences that this can have on their social life, their health, or their learning. A phenomenon which is not without alarming the parents whereas a study published in JAMA Pediatrics journal The global pandemic has just revealed that the global pandemic has led to an increase in weekday screen time among school children. A new survey conducted by the Opinea Institute for the health operator Livi confirms these fears, which relate more particularly to the proliferation of screens within the home, and its harmful effects on the social life, learning, and health of children. and adolescents under the age of 18.

An impact on schooling?

Nearly nine out of ten parents (88%) say that the proliferation of screens represents “a real threat” to the development of children, including 45% who say they are “completely” convinced of it. And if they are concerned regarding the harmful effects of these screens on the health of their cherubs, it is above all for their school results and their learning that they admit to worrying the most (51%), in front of the risks on the ability of the youngest to interact with others (48%) and the loss of family ties (47%).

Health comes next, and it is specifically the impact of all these screens on children’s physical health that alarms parents, starting with the risks to eye and back health, and weight management (47% ) and sleep disorders (46%). On the other hand, the parents surveyed are less concerned regarding the potential effects on the management of emotions (31%) and on motor skills (26%). It should be noted that the study reports disparities between the different generations of parents, and more particularly between the youngest parents aged between 18 and 25 and the others. Nearly a quarter of them say they do not believe, or even are not sure of the dangerousness of screens, and above all point to the harmful effects of the proliferation of screens on health (52%).

“This is in no way to demonize the screens that are now part of our daily lives. With an average of 5.6 screens per household in France, it is above all necessary to educate our children in their proper use according to their age. Yes, some applications are more likely than others to generate behaviors that sometimes amount to addiction, let’s not forget that digital tools have also allowed many children to keep in touch with their teachers during the Covid. !” says Nicolas Leblanc, medical director at Livi.

Sport to leave the screens behind

Faced with this observation, the parents consider all possible solutions, and this notably involves living together and physical activities as a family (55%). But respondents also plan to introduce screen-free times, especially during homework, meals, or even before going to bed (50%), or on the contrary to offer screen time at very specific times (42 %). And the parents themselves are aware that they are the first examples of their offspring, and therefore think of eliminating their own time spent on a smartphone (39%).

“Beyond use, the question of age is also fundamental. According to Santé Publique France, 2-year-old children spend an average of 56 minutes a day in front of a screen and up to more than 1h30 from 5 years old. As a doctor, I recommend avoiding the use of any screen at such a young age because it can actually harm their good psychological and cognitive development,” says Nicolas Leblanc.

*The study was carried out between May 25 and May 31, 2023 for Livi by the Opinéa Institute with 670 French parents of children under 18, aged 18 to 65, representative of the French population.


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