The Shocking Truth Behind My Sister’s Birth: A Woman’s 25-Year Secret Revealed

2023-06-27 09:05:00

▲The woman revealed the truth regarding her sister’s birth. (Picture / Recap from TikTok / mama__kee)

Reporter Li Zhenhui / Comprehensive report

A foreign female netizen recently revealed that she has kept a secret for 25 years. When she was a child, she saw her parents laying a condom on the bedside and pricked it with a needle. It didn’t take long for her parents to give her a younger sister. , making her always feel that she is also responsible for the birth of her younger sister, and the self-explosive video received more than 9.3 million views.

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Female netizen Keely suddenly broke the news when she was filming a TikTok video to help her younger sister Sam celebrate her birthday, “When I was a little girl, I was playing with my friends in my parents’ room, and suddenly I found packages one by one on the bedside table. It looked very fancy, and following my friend told me what it was, a needle was placed next to it, and my friend and I poked a lot of holes in the package.”

Qi Li said that regarding 6 months later, her mother suddenly announced that she was pregnant. “I was really happy for her, but even following many years, my mother still felt very strange and often said, ‘I don’t know how this happened. , we have always been careful'”, Liqi now decided to reveal the truth and apologize to her mother.

After the video was shared, it became popular on the Internet. Many netizens joked, “Your sister should thank you instead. If it weren’t for you, she probably wouldn’t have been born.” “My mother said that you owe me 25 years of childcare expenses.” , “I really want to know your mother’s reaction following seeing this video”, “Please update quickly, I want to know your family’s reaction”.

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