In addition to games: a specialist in Digital Games can work in several sectors

2023-06-27 13:56:47

the market of games is one of the fastest growing in the world. According to the 1st National Survey of the Games Industry held in 2022 by ABRAGAMES (Brazilian Association of Digital Game Developers) in partnership with ApexBrasil (Brazilian Association for Export and Investment Promotion), the number of digital game development studios has grown 169% in the last four years. This is only in Brazil, which is the biggest market in the area in Latin America, according to the consultancy Newzoo.

Contrary to what it may seem, working in the games sector does not mean being gamer. There are higher education courses that enable the professional to work in several important functions for the creation and development of electronic games.

The technical skills linked to the Digital Games course are basically programming, 3D modeling, animation, design, scripting, editing and marketing strategies. But it is not the same professional who performs all functions within a company. The best-known positions are those of game designer, programmer, designer of characters and scenery, animator, tester and executive producer.

Agesandro Scarpioni, academic coordinator of the graduation in FIAP University Center Digital Gamesstates that the career possibilities for those who take this course are increasingly comprehensive: “With the offer of technologies such as the metaverse and artificial intelligence, the field of action is being expanded, allowing these professionals to work in practically all types of of companies, from developers indies from games to large multinationals.”

The “gamification”, use of techniques of design and game logic to make non-entertainment contexts playful, became popular in the corporate environment and in the areas of marketing, health and education. Flight or driving school simulators, educational games and medical simulations are some examples of how gamification can be applied.

In this way, the specialist games becomes interesting for industries from many different sectors. “In the near future, all companies will look for this type of professional, as he proves to be the most balanced in understanding what is technically possible to be developed and, at the same time, understands which strategies should be more efficient when engaging the customer. its target audience”, concludes the coordinator.


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