The Therapist’s Guide: Best Honey for a Cold and How to Use It for Rapid Relief

2023-06-26 14:41:12

The therapist told me what kind of honey to eat with a cold and in what volumes.

The most delicious and healthy

During a cold, each person is treated according to his own “schemes”: someone trusts doctors, others give the body a chance to overcome the disease itself. But there are those who treat pain and fever exclusively with natural remedies – herbs, decoctions, etc.

Honey stands out among other medicinal products. According to statistics, more than half of the people eat it during illness. and they do it right.

Therapist Oksana Kurdyukova called honey the most useful product of natural origin. Because there are more nutrients in it than in other fruits and vegetables. For example, honey contains:

B vitamins;

vitamins A, E, K, C, PP;

malic and citric acids;









The only drawback of honey is that it is too high in calories (100 g contains almost 300 kcal).

What kind of honey to eat with a cold

According to the therapist, linden honey is the best remedy for fever and pain. In a matter of minutes, it relieves discomfort in the bones and muscles, when the whole body aches during illness.

The doctor also noted that to achieve the desired result, it is enough to eat one tablespoon of the product three times a day. This will quickly relieve a sore throat and make breathing easier.

If there is no linden honey in the house, then according to the doctor, you can be treated with acacia or buckwheat honey. These two products are also considered very healthy and rich in beneficial trace elements. With such “drugs”, the migraine will pass and the inflammation will disappear without a trace.

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