Strengthening Beliefs and Political Awareness: A Comprehensive Study and Implementation of Xi Jinping’s Speech

2023-06-26 06:01:00

Conscientiously do a good job in studying and strengthening beliefs and beliefs

Guan Hongyan, Editor-in-Chief of China Post News

The General Party Branch of China Post Newspaper thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech and the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, conscientiously implemented the requirements of the Post Group Party Group, raised political awareness and political positions, and took the theme education as the current primary political task, carefully organized , solid progress.

The first is to deeply understand the great significance of carrying out thematic education, and to learn and understand the “three inevitable requirements” put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping. The important speech delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the Central Theme Education Work Conference provided strong political guidance and political guarantee for the development of theme education. The newspaper quickly conveyed and deeply studied the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping, accurately grasped the essence of the spirit, and deeply understood the core essence. It is an inevitable requirement for the Party’s ideology, will and action, and for maintaining the Party’s strong cohesion and combat effectiveness at all times. The inevitable requirement of social revolution. For our newspaper office, carrying out good theme education is the top priority for us to study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It is of great significance to closely unite around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and truly shoulder the important task of the party’s propaganda cause.

The general party branch of the newspaper carefully organized the formulation of the theme education work plan and the implementation plan of the reading class, carried out in-depth investigation and research work plans, and centered on the general requirements of “learning ideas, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice, and making new contributions”, effectively and orderly promoted the implementation of various tasks In detail, it stimulates and mobilizes the enthusiasm and initiative of newspaper members to participate in thematic education. At the same time, fulfill the duties and tasks of strengthening the publicity and guidance of the whole system in the theme education, create a good atmosphere for carrying out the theme education, and guide the majority of postal cadres and workers to participate in the theme education with a high degree of political consciousness and political responsibility.

The second is to conscientiously organize and carry out reading class learning, and promote the high standard start of thematic education. The deeper the knowledge, the stronger the belief, and the more faithful the practice. From May 5th to May 12th, the newspaper office was divided into two stages and concentrated for 7 days. Focusing on 8 learning materials designated by the central government, 7 learning topics were defined, and the themed education reading classes were carefully organized. All party members participated, and the newspaper office team Members take the lead in learning and exchanging learning experiences. Middle-level cadres carry out in-depth discussions and exchanges. On the basis of reading one by one, comprehending paragraph by sentence, and systematically studying the original text, they talk regarding thinking, perception, existing problems, and implementation measures. Research and strengthen the theoretical arm, temper the party spirit with the party’s innovative theory to guide practice, and guide party members and cadres to learn, understand, and practice Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics as a political responsibility, spiritual pursuit, and conscious habits, with high-quality reading classes Promote the theme education to go deep and solid, and strive to achieve tangible results in building the soul with learning, increasing wisdom with learning, correcting the style with learning, and promoting performance with learning.

During the reading class, we not only take the lead in learning and in-depth learning, but also pay attention to enriching the form of “on-the-spot learning”. Innovate the educational carrier, “move” the theme education and learning classroom into the State Key Laboratory of Xinhua News Agency and the advanced service in the system with the concept of “users are relatives” Typical Beijing Dongsi Post Office (1958 People’s Daily published an editorial “The Way of Opening Up Convenience” “Gate”), through on-site immersive learning, broaden horizons, enhance ideas, and deepen the understanding of the foundation of technological innovation leadership in the development of media integration, especially deepen the understanding of General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that “use well is the real skill” The understanding and understanding of the profound connotation of the requirements further enhanced the sense of urgency and responsibility of using new technologies to improve the ability to guide public opinion; In the services that are meticulous and do everything possible to meet the needs of users, we will further understand the importance of adhering to the people’s supremacy in the work of news and public opinion, and further strengthen the views of the masses. Reflect and promote the responsibility to solve the urgent, difficult and anxious problems of employees and the masses. This kind of learning makes the theme education more in-depth and realistic.

When it comes to the harvest and experience of studying in the reading class, the biggest gain for myself and my comrades is to achieve ideological armed and spiritual baptism through theoretically large studies, and further deepen the political understanding of Xi Jinping’s socialist thought with Chinese characteristics in the new era. Identity, ideological identity, theoretical identity, and emotional identity. One is that there is a real new understanding and improvement in learning and understanding, knowing what it says and knowing its meaning, knowing what it is and why it is why. Our 7 study topics fully combine the deployment of the central government, the requirements of the group and our own reality, and specially arrange the learning content of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions on ideology work, news and public opinion work, and promoting the integrated development of the media, which further enhances our performance of duties. The ability level of the mission has laid a more solid theoretical and philosophical foundation. The second is to solve the problems of lack of interest in learning, unsystematic and in-depth learning, especially the disconnection of learning and application in theoretical learning, and to have a new understanding and improvement in the actual ability to transform learning results into entrepreneurship. I feel that theoretical study really needs to do a good job of “four-character real skills”, that is, to learn, to understand, to believe, and to use. This reading class read the original work, found the source of the important thoughts of the general secretary, combined with the background of the important speech to study and understand more deeply, realized the understanding of doubts, and really felt that the important thoughts of the general secretary are not superior, but the words are plain and profound Therefore, we must truly learn the wisdom and strength to forge ahead from Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and master the leadership methods, thinking methods, and working methods contained in it. , Transform it into a powerful driving force and an important weapon to overcome difficulties and start a business.

Passion, faith, loyalty, and confidence can be learned through reading classes. The next step is to focus on problem-oriented, conduct in-depth investigations and research, and promote the high-quality development of postal news and publicity. The new results test the effectiveness of theme education.

Responsible editor: Chen Yan

#Conscientiously #good #job #studying #strengthening #beliefsChina #Journalists #Association #Network



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