???? Pelodytes punctatus – Definition and Explanations

2023-06-26 04:33:18


Pelodytes punctatus Classification Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Sous-embr. Vertebrata Class Amphibia Subclass Lissamphibia Superorder Salientia Order Anura Family Pelodytidae Genus Pelodytes Binomial name (In taxonomy (botany, zoology, etc.), the binomial name, or binomial, comes from…) Pelodytes punctatus
(Daudin, 1802) Synonyms Rana punctata Rana plicata IUCN conservation status :

LC: Least Concern

The Spotted Pelodyte (Pelodytes punctatus) is a species (In life sciences, the species (from the Latin species, “type”) of amphibian of the family Pelodytidae.


They are small animals (35 mm for males, and 45 mm for females, from head to trunk).

An easy character to spot is the pupil (In the eye, the pupil is the hole located in the middle of the iris. It appears black to us…) vertical (The vertical is a straight line parallel to the direction of gravity, given in particular by the…). The body is slender like that of the Ranidae (The Ranidae form a family of amphibians created in 1814 by Constantine Samuel…), but provided with warts like those of the Bufonidae (The Bufonidae family was created in 1825 by John Edward Gray (1800-1875).). They do not have parotoid glands behind the eyes, but a narrow glandular band extending into a row of warts. These can form more or less sinuous parallel lines on the back (In anatomy, in vertebrate animals including humans, the back is the part…). The skin (The skin is an organ composed of several layers of tissue. It plays, among other things, the…) is colored (The color is the subjective perception that the eye has of one or more frequencies of waves…) variable (In mathematics and logic, a variable is represented by a symbol. It…), ranging from green (Green is a complementary color corresponding to light which has a wavelength.. .) light olive to brownish, speckled with green spots sometimes drawing an X in the anterior part. The belly skin is white. The song emitted by the male is also characteristic and difficult to confuse with that of another species, in fact it is similar to the sound produced by the repeated clashing of two pétanque balls once morest each other.


Pelodytes are quite eclectic in their choice of habitat. They can be found in wooded areas as well as in cultivated land, and even in dry land as long as it has hiding places, or the ground is loose enough to be dug. Good climber, it can even be found at the top of small shrubs. Proximity to a stream (A stream is a small stream, with a slow flow, fed by natural water sources, etc.) is however necessary during the breeding season. Tadpoles live above all on the bottom of waters provided with abundant underwater vegetation.


This species is endemic to the west (West is a cardinal point, opposite to east. This is the direction towards…) of Europe (Europe is a land region that can be considered as a…), it is found up to an altitude of 1,630 m:

in France with the exception of the north-east (The north-east is the direction halfway between the cardinal points north and east. The north-east…) and of the central part of Aquitaine in the northwest coastal regions (Northwest is the direction between the north and west cardinal points. Northwest is…) from Italy to western Portugal to a large eastern half of Spain


Biology (Biology, commonly called “bio”, is the science of life….) and the threats to this species are not well known. Populations in northwestern Italy seem particularly threatened. It cannot be ruled out that populations of Pelodytes, like most species of Lissamphibians, are affected by the fragmentation or disappearance of their habitat, and pollution (Pollution is defined as what makes an environment unhealthy. definition varies according to the…) of the waters.

Reproduction and larval development

In France the breeding season extends from the end of February to the beginning of April. In Portugal it takes place between November and March. But it can extend throughout the year (A year is a unit of time expressing the duration between two occurrences of a related event…), which allows several spawnings per year.

Original publication

Daudin, 1802: Natural history of tree frogs, frogs and toads, p. 1-108 (full text).


Spotted Pelodyte; size in relation to a hand (The hand is the prehensile effector organ located at…)

sight (Sight is the sense that allows to observe and analyze the environment by the reception and…) of the ventral side

#Pelodytes #punctatus #Definition #Explanations



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