Sorted by artificial intelligence: 9 tips to prevent your CV from being rejected

2023-06-26 01:53:11

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) means your CV must first go through automated analysis and filtering before it even makes it to someone’s inbox.

These AI-sorted applicant tracking systems are used by large and medium-sized companies around the world, reports the Daily Mail.

A 2019 study shows that three out of four CVs have never been seen by a person.

To get your resume past the AI ​​bots, you need to be smart and avoid these nine mistakes:

AI systems that scan resumes process text.

If you list your essential skills and qualifications in an image, it will likely be ignored.

All key elements of your resume should be in text form.

Just as search engine optimization gets websites noticed, ATS looks for specific job-related keywords in resumes.

If your resume doesn’t contain the keywords in the job description, it will get a low match score.

Beware, however, of the overbidding of keywords.

Some candidates try to trick artificial intelligence by stuffing their resume with keywords.

Here is a rule of thumb. For each previous position mentioned in your resume, include two or three keywords that match the job you are applying for.

Multiple columns, unusual graphics or alignments can disrupt these systems.

Your CV should have a clear and simple layout, with standard margins and clear titles for each section.

Don’t use fonts to stand out

Using “creative” fonts might seem like a great way to stand out, but they can mess with automated systems.

Here are the ideal fonts to promote the readability of the CV by AI.

-Times New Roman





The AI ​​isn’t very good at sarcasm or flowery language. They were designed to search for specific keywords and specific information.

Sarcasm, irony, tongue-in-cheek humor are therefore probably to be avoided.

For example, if your job title is “Creative Product Evangelist”, the AI ​​will not be able to tell that it is actually a “Marketing Manager” position.

It should therefore always be taken into account that we are addressing an AI and that it will not always be able to understand what seems obvious to us.

This is a detail that can easily be overlooked. Some ATS platforms may have difficulty reading resumes in specific file formats. It’s best to stick to commonly used formats, such as .docx or .pdf.

Don’t present a list of accomplishments without context. The AI ​​will not be able to interpret it. For example, instead of saying “20% increase in sales”, say “Implemented a new marketing strategy that increased sales by 20% in one quarter”.

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