Boost Productivity and Beat Burnout: Tips for Getting Back to Work after a Vacation

2023-06-25 16:21:52

Photo: Adobe Stock


How to force yourself to stop thinking regarding rest and get involved in work? How to increase productivity and what really saves you from burnout? We understand that the most difficult days of the year are the first working days following the holidays. Therefore, together with colleagues from Marie Claire we share tips that will help you tune in the right way and relax even on weekdays.

Restore proper nutrition (or finally start sticking to it)

Usually on vacation we allow ourselves to eat more than usual – and often have lunch and dinner in restaurants. It is not surprising that it is difficult for us to immediately switch to the usual office diet.

Do everything gradually and in no case do not go on a diet abruptly. The main thing is not to starve and eat at least three times a day. Gradually limit the amount of fatty, spicy and sweet. And following a while, start replacing junk food with cereals, lean meats, fish, vegetables and fruits.

The main recommendations for nutrition to restore health:

do not skip meals and try to eat regularly at the same time; do not neglect snacks to help suppress hunger between breakfast, lunch and dinner; eat at least 400 grams of fresh fruits and vegetables per day; choose boiled or steamed foods; at least eat fish twice a week; eliminate energy drinks, alcohol and fast food; choose healthy alternatives to less healthy foods: replace sugar with honey, replace fatty meat with chicken or turkey.Stay hydrated

Average adult per day should use the amount of water equal to 2-4% of its weight, and the child – 10-15%. These figures may vary depending on air temperature, the level of physical activity of a person, his general health and gender.

Pure water speeds up metabolism, satisfies hunger and maintains energy throughout the day. If you drink enough liquid, it will definitely return you to shape and strength – especially if you leaned on alcohol and harmful sodas on vacation.

Restore your sleep pattern

On vacation, we get used to falling asleep in the morning or watching TV shows and movies, as a result, the next day we wake up broken.

To return to a productive life, normalize sleep patterns. Trying to get enough sleep all weekend is definitely a bad idea. An adult needs 7-8 hours of sleep every day. And it is most useful to go to bed before midnight, and get up at the same time. What time is better to go to bed according to doctors read here.

Rules for perfect sleep:

go to bed in a dark room and do not forget to close the window with curtains; ventilate the room before going to bed; give up coffee, alcohol and cigarettes at dinner, the food should be light; stop using gadgets for a while.

After a vacation, it is always difficult for us to return to the previous level of movement. If you have been relaxing at home all this time, it will not be easy to quickly switch to an active lifestyle. It is not easier for those who spent their holidays “on their feet” and who now have to get used to sitting in the office for many hours once more.

There is a way out: try to gradually introduce sports into your routine.

Replace heavy strength training with light ones: walking, hiking with friends on an indoor ice rink, yoga, stretching or dancing. But make sure you get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day—any simple exercise that will help you warm up. Physical activity will invigorate the body and set up for labor exploits.

Start work gradually. During the holidays or holidays, we get used to doing nothing, so it will be difficult to immediately “plow” in the usual mode. The main thing is to focus on your condition and do not demand the impossible from yourself. And also remember the goals that you set for yourself for the coming year: let this be the impetus for new achievements.

Find a little time for idleness every day

The absence of affairs helps not only to gain strength, but also to increase your creative potential. Too much work, on the other hand, is counterproductive.

Even if you have every minute scheduled following work, you probably do not have enough time for reflection. And by the way, it is she who helps us to realize the purpose of our existence, prioritize tasks and clear the brain of emotional trash. Reflecting, we can appreciate the beauty of the moment, enjoy the banal and simple things.

Therefore, learn to turn off your head for a while. Try to “close” yourself from the whole world a couple of times a day and immerse yourself in yourself, reflecting on being. Such practices stimulate creativity, increase your productivity, and simply help relieve stress.

Relax on the move

If you immediately come home following work and bury yourself in the computer, then this will only increase the already unbearable fatigue. But if you replace a home date with a sofa with a meeting with friends or going to the cinema, then the day will immediately take on a new meaning and seem filled.

Do not forget that rest is a change of activity. This does not involve replacing your desk chair and desk with a home sofa and laptop, but switching to an activity that is the opposite of your daily work routine. If you sit at the computer all day, then you need to relax in the pool, on yoga, in the park for a run, or even just while walking. And vice versa.

The main mistake of all workaholics is that they do not separate life into leisure and work. For them, the latter becomes the meaning and purpose of existence. In some professions, this is really indispensable, but more often than not, this approach to life directly leads to emotional and physical burnout. Therefore, try to keep a cold mind and a healthy dose of cynicism in your relationship with the profession.

Do not forget that following all, the main task of work is to bring you money. Such a position will make you practically invulnerable to the employer and to yourself. Remember your responsibilities and do only what is required of you, and only as much as you should. Then there will be no overtime and fatigue.

Cities are not only dense traffic and great career opportunities, but also a lot of entertainment – from open lectures and film screenings to all kinds of clubs and sections for people of all ages. Sign up for courses, follow the schedules of premieres and concerts, do not miss the opportunity to walk through exhibitions and vernissages. All this does not require a lot of time, but greatly diversifies your days. About where to go in St. Petersburg, regarding all its best places and secrets read here.

Learn to separate home and office. If you still have things to do, and the clock says it’s time to go home, don’t take things with you. Better stay in the office, or, much wiser, finish everything tomorrow. Once you take work home, you run the risk of making it a habit – and this will deprive you of the last place on earth where you might just lie thoughtlessly, forgetting regarding all the problems and deeds.

Photo: Adobe Stock

#return #vacation #mode #save #burnout #June



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