Healers, magnetizers, fire cutters… These amazing therapists

2023-05-29 11:12:28

Healers have relieved populations since Antiquity. Once flirting with the trial of witchcraft, today they come to terms with the limits of the illegal practice of medicine. Because the modern era, that of a science “ by the evidence “, relegated ancient practices of touching, laying on of hands, or unbewitchment in rank worn-out impostures. Admittedly, institutional medicine has made great strides, particularly in the field of surgery. But by apprehending the patient as a machine (even a complex one), it comes up once morest certain limits which divert part of the public, in favor of unofficial disciplines. Thus, despite the still largely inexplicable nature of their practices, healers retain a solid audience, not necessarily reducible to “ quackery “from the first nor to the” credulity ” of the second.

What is a healer?

In our world with a strong materialistic connotation, the healer is most often perceived as a huckster, at best as a nice enlightened person, in the same way as those who go to see him. It is not Larousse that will correct the situation, defining the healer as “a person claiming to obtain healing by secret, incommunicable processes, without demonstrable scientific verification and who thus acts in contravention of the laws on the practice of medicine “. From the point of view of the “profession”, the healer is rather a person who knows how to use the tools provided by nature to restore situations of blockage or imbalance through a holistic, intuitive approachand sometimes appealing to the self-healing abilities of the people who come to him.

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And “corpus “of great diversity

In France, Switzerland or Germany, in the countryside or in the city, men and women devote themselves to relieving their fellow human beings, often without qualification or medical recognition. They are named energizers, magnetizers, bonesetters, healers, fire cutters, shamans and even disenchantersand claim a way of “do good ” different, on the borders of the unexplained. Sometimes invoking a gift, an energy, a sensitivity or a connection, they say they are able to identify, without complex examination, here a defective organ, there chronic inflammation, or states of “disturbance which some relate to what they call the “subtle bodies “. Imbalances and Evils They Affirm”normalize “, by touch, prayer or through a form”energy ” or of “force “.

The gift, this strange particularism

The “don “or the”method “Employees take different forms depending on the path of the practitioner. Some became aware of this from an early age, others later, in particular circumstances. Career plans were upset, and at the end of the path, it is often this irreplaceable feeling of being useful to one’s neighbor that comes to crown the approach. Because what characterizes healers (apart from thieves, and there are this posture of benevolence and empathywhich perpetuates a humanism in the art of care that scientific medicine, disillusioned by dint of rationalism, has sacrificed along the way.

A culture of discretion

Among the different disciplines and ways of proceeding, almost everyone has their own “style”. But most healers have in common the sense of humility and discretion. They willingly see themselves as an “instrument” and are reluctant to express themselves regarding their “gift”. The patient, on the other hand, comes most often by recommendation or hearsay, and only shares his experience with people aware of this type of approach.

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