2023-06-25 12:21:21
The sharp increase in the number of vehicles, especially motorcycles, and their higher incidence of serious road accidents, is a cause of concern for national, provincial, and municipal authorities, who are seeking measures to improve traffic safety.
From the Nation, just following the covid-19 pandemic, the National Road Safety Agency, of the Ministry of Transportation, prepared a report detailing the problem and proposing some measures.
Gustavo Bramvatti, deputy manager of road safety at CESVI Argentina, points out that, along with pedestrians and cyclists, “motorcyclists are considered vulnerable road users, due to the lack of protection of their bodies in the event of a collision.” It warns that the use of a helmet reduces the possibility of dying in a traffic accident by 40% and the severity of head injuries by up to 70%.
“For this reason, the mandatory use of a helmet and the recommendation of the use of other safety elements such as gloves, protective jackets, adequate footwear, is fundamental,” he points out. (See infographic)
The report highlights the increase in motorcycle use in the country for more than ten years. in the NEA and In the NOA they are 56% and 52% of the automotive fleet, while in Patagonia the primacy continues to be the automobile (80% once morest 20%).
Driver awareness and education
Among the priority measures in the prevention of motorcycle road accidents, the report points out that it is essential to educate and raise awareness among the entire population regarding the changes that have arisen in traffic, especially the increase in vulnerable users.
• Use of case and other security elements. It proposes campaigns to promote the use of security elements, virtual courses on safe driving for motorcyclists and on respect for traffic and coexistence rules, for the entire community.
• Encourage speed reduction in critical areas. since the probability of a pedestrian, cyclist or motorcyclist dying in an accident increases with the speed at which the impact with another vehicle occurs. That is why he proposes, in cities, to create calm traffic zones (maximum 30 km/h).
• Control and supervision. It is necessary to combat the feeling of impunity that a large part of Argentine drivers have, any education and awareness policy must be accompanied by effective control and sanctions for offenders.
• Preferential lanes, Consider creating an exclusive lane for motorcycles.
• Regular messaging. Regulate merchandise delivery services on two-wheeled vehicles. Promote training courses in safe motorcycle driving in companies with motorcyclists on their staff.
In Rio Negro, The Traffic Observatory and the highway police periodically carry out courses and training on safe driving and traffic rules, especially in secondary establishments, since the vast majority of motorcycle users are young people between the ages of 15 and 35.
In Roca, where the greatest growth in the number of motorcycles has taken place and the largest number of accidents of this type are recorded, the traffic licensee, Victoria Argañaraz pointed out that control tasks with inspectors in different areas of the city have increased, to ensure compliance with road regulations, she said.
Also, “with the aim of unlearning bad driving habits and customs and seeking to generate a cultural change on the need to respect traffic regulations”, the municipality offers a Virtual Training in Transit. to drivers of vehicles and motorcycles in all categories ”he pointed out. The municipality’s Transit personnel give talks on Driver Education to students of all levels. For the little ones, there are practices at the Municipal Traffic Education Track, in Plaza San Martín, using go-karts and bikes, to get to know and incorporate responsible behavior and safe traffic.
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