Why do the settling of scores affect younger and younger people? Understand in three minutes

2023-06-25 04:00:33

A 16-year-old man shot dead in Amiens between April 12 and 13, three others aged around 25 executed the following month in Marseille: these victims of settling scores have in common that they are young. An unpublished report from the Ministry of the Interior, which was able to consult The worldannounces that in 2023, 60% of people injured or killed in settling accounts related to drug trafficking will be under 25 years old.

This rejuvenation, analyzes Thomas Sauvadet, sociologist and teacher-researcher at the University of Paris-Est-Créteil-Val-de-Marne (UPEC) and specialist in youth gangs, goes hand in hand with the development of drug trafficking in France since thirty years. On the other hand, the median age of those involved in drug trafficking is 22 years old. What dynamics push these young people towards drug trafficking and settling scores?

Our explanations in this three-minute video. And if you want to know more regarding the subject, we refer you to the decryption below.

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