Sleep Divorce: Is Sleeping Alone the Secret to a Good Night’s Rest?

2023-06-25 03:42:25

Recent research has revealed that some people sleep better alone, while others get “good sleep” when they share the same bed and room with their partner.Science Alert“.

Moving to a separate bed or room from one’s partner is not unusual and is known as “sleep divorce”.

According to a survey (Sleep Foundation) for the year 2023, which included 1,250 adults in the states
In the United States, 1.4 percent of respondents have slept apart from their partner for a year or more.

Just over half (52.9 percent) said sleeping alone had improved their sleep quality.

On the other hand, 25.7 percent of the participants who tried sleeping separately returned to sharing a bed with their partner once more, which in turn led to an increase in sleeping times.

While just over a third of couples gave up “sleep divorce” because they missed each other.

According to a newspaper poll,The New York TimesIn 2023, over 2,200 adults in the United States, one in five couples will now sleep in separate bedrooms at least some of the time.

The term “sleep divorce” may be very harsh, but it does not refer to hostility between the two partners or their separation, but those who tried it did so for several reasons.

These include inconsistencies in sleeping times, the need for personal space, and snoring.

The Sleep Foundation spoke with Regina Cross, 43, who started sleeping separately from her husband when she was pregnant, but the couple kept the arrangement following the baby was born.

“We both realized we both sleep better, and we’ve been doing that for over nine years now,” says Regina.

And she continued, “When we sleep, we are in different rooms, but we also maintain a very active intimate life.”

A 2020 study of 12 heterosexual couples found that when couples slept together they got “deeper, more refreshing” sleep, which helps humans fix memories in their minds and regulate their emotions, according to a website.Science Alert“.

Then a study was conducted, in 2022, involving 1,000 participants, and found that sharing a bed with your partner means “more sleep at night, less fatigue the next day, and falling asleep in a shorter period of time,” he said.Science Alert“.

Good, uninterrupted sleep, according to a regular schedule, is crucial to a person’s physical and mental health, and abandoning this causes “reduced human productivity, increases difficulty in concentrating, and makes him vulnerable to disease in the long run.”

And when it comes to “divorce during sleep,” this may be beneficial for some, but not appropriate for others.

#Divorce #sleep #people #sleep



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