Change of era: the main leadership renewal is defined in 24 years

2023-06-25 04:00:00

For the first time without the game of alternation between José Manuel de la Sota and Juan Schiaretti that kept the two referents of Peronism in power since 1999, the people of Cordoba will decide at the polls the succession of the current president, in an election that appears polarized between the ruling party candidate, Martín Llaryora, representing the Hacemos Unidos por Córdoba front and the sword of Together for Change, national senator Luis Juez, who will dispute for the third time the possibility of occupying the main seat of El Panal.

The contest has a precedent: in 2019 the contestants who today polarize the dispute faced off for the mayor of the capital and the one who celebrated was Llaryora, since Peronism seized the municipal throne from the UCR and returned to govern the city, something which he had achieved for the last time in the period 1999-2003, when German Kammerath governed.

That time, Judge was second in the midst of the collapse of Cambiemos, which led to an offer of applicants divided in two. The other applicant was Rodrigo de Loredo, representing the UCR. Back then, 37% of the votes went to Llaryora, while Judge reached 19%.

Today, the reality is different, since the campaign of Hacemos Unidos por Córdoba is played in “three bands” and the national context has its weight, a priori highlighted, although its real dimension will be elucidated when the votes are counted. In fact, these elections will come following the closing of the lists for the PASO, where this time Schiaretti will play, who will share the formula with Florencio Randazzo for “We do for Our Country.”

In addition, with the Single Suffrage Ballot, 70 legislators will be elected (today the Unicameral has a strong official presence), mayors in 227 municipalities and communes (more than half of the total and aligned with Llaryora) and 3 members of the Court of Accounts. The competition for the mayor of the capital was left for July 23.

tandem play
Llaryora is up for the challenge of retaining the power that Cordoba has held since 1999, while Schiaretti is playing a double bet: keeping Peronism in power and gaining support for his national strategy. The last election in Córdoba had the current president as the central protagonist, since he achieved an overwhelming victory with 57.38% of the votes, surpassing the offer of Cambiemos ( once more divided) made up of Mario Negri (18.85 %) and Ramón Mestre (11.6%). Added together, the radicals achieved 30.45% of the votes. In 2015, the scenario was much more even: in that year, the best of Cambiemos at the national level, showed Schiaretti winning with 39.99% of the votes, 33.74% for Oscar Aguad (Together) and 17.7 % for Eduardo Accastello (the Kirchnerist proposal centered on ‘Córdoba Podemos’).

One of the strong strategies of the ruling party was to broaden the coalition, at all three levels: municipal, provincial and national. Llaryora added leaders of the PRO (the last one was Gabriel Frizza, from Jesús María) and the UCR, although he also incorporated other sectors of Peronism (such as Martín Gill), socialism and neighborhoodism, in a strategy that replicates the keys ” antigrieta” promoted by Schiaretti at a national level.

this time together
On the opposite sidewalk, Together for Change arrives together with the election. The data is not minor and the numbers that were shown above on the last elections demonstrate this. This time it will be hand in hand with Peronism and there will be no offer divided by the JxC side. “We are not going to give them that taste. They mightn’t divide us in more than a year,” said Judge at the end of the campaign.

Although they do not admit it publicly, Hacemos Unidos por Córdoba trusted in a (new) division of the opposition alliance. There were passes of more than a hundred leaders to Peronism and the vice-presidents of both formulas are not Peronists (Myrian Prunotto, a radical and Javier Pretto, head of the PRO when he made the leap to Peronism) but the unity of Together for Change was unalterable and that it emboldens the leaders who assure that this time “yes we can”. In fact, the “flirting” between Schiaretti and Horacio Rodríguez Larreta strengthened Judge, they are in charge of standing out from the Civic Front.

The other novelty is that the former Frente de Todos on this occasion will have a candidate for governor. As will be remembered, in 2019 Pablo Carro declined his application in a kind of “gesture” so as not to increase the chances of Cambiemos. The duo, now with the seal of I believe in Córdoba de Todos, was made up of the mayor of Embalse, Federico Alesandri (from the sector led by Carlos Caserio) and the national deputy camporista Gabriela Estévez, sponsored by Cristina de Kirchner.

The offer for the Executive is completed by Aurelio García Elorrio (Córdoba Neighborhood Meeting), Julia Di Santi (Movimiento al Socialismo), Liliana Olivero (FIT-U), Fernando Schüle (Humanist Party), Patricia Sarmiento (Popular Party), Mario Peral (Federal Popular Union), Rodolfo Eiben (Liberal Democratic Development Front) and Agustín Spaccesi (Libertad Avanza).

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