King & Prince’s new program “Kintre” starts! Ren Nagase, Kaito Takahashi, Gekidan Hitori, and Hiroya Yamazaki talk about their enthusiasm. The first guest is Sho Sakurai & Ayami Nakajo | TV LIFE web

2023-06-24 23:49:26

“Kintre” from left) Gekidan Hitori, Kaito Takahashi, Ren Nagase, Hiroya Yamazaki ©Nippon Television

King & Prince (Ren Nagase, Kaito Takahashi)’s new program “Kintre” (Nippon Television every Saturday from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm/Kanto local) will start on Saturday, July 1st. Interviews with Nagase, Takahashi, Gekidan Hitori, and Hiroya Yamazaki have just finished recording for the first time.

“Kintre” is a new economic variety show in which popular celebrities thoroughly investigate the world’s money-related questions and train Reiwa’s “money sense”.

In the first broadcast, King & Prince started a project called “Bite-learning,” in which they conducted various part-time jobs to investigate “What kind of work supports the world?” and “How much salary do you get?” Takahashi challenges his first part-time job at “Don Quixote”.

When I investigated whether a large number of products might be displayed perfectly, how they treated troubled customers, and whether the somen noodles made by the painter Kaito would sell well, a surprise ending awaited them.

In addition, Sho Sakurai and Ayami Nakajo will appear as the memorable first guests. A serious battle unfolds in the game “Phantom Thief Mekikin Tore” where you can see the high-priced items over 100,000 yen. Will Sakurai be able to show his senpai’s determination? Also, will Nakajo & Nagase see through the luxury interior?

Interview with Ren Nagase, Kaito Takahashi, Gekidan Hitori, Hiroya Yamazaki

◆ Please tell us your impressions following finishing the first recording.

Nagase: Since it was the first recording, I was fumbling regarding what it would be like. was by my side, and when the recording started, just looking at their faces made me feel at ease and I was able to enjoy the recording. No matter what I say, he picks me up gently, so I’m spoiled (laughs).

Hitori: I wondered what I might do for these children…I’m glad I was able to support them even a little. I was surprised that they answered the quiz correctly (the two of them are so natural), leaving the guests behind (laughs).

Yamazaki: I think Ren and Kaito’s talents exploded in this episode. I think it was the first time that the charms of the two of them came out so much that I might say that the two of us still have various strange things, or maybe they’ve become stronger than before. The first guest, Sakurai-kun, was sitting behind me, so I thought he’d say, “I can’t believe we’re in front of Senpai…”, but he didn’t (laughs).

Takahashi: It was the first time of the new program, and I was really scared today. I was wondering what it would be like… However, Hitori-san, Zakiyama-san, and the staff thought a lot regarding projects that only the four of us might do, and I was really grateful, and it was a simple and enjoyable first recording.

◆Please tell us regarding the appeal of the program and the highlights of the first episode.

Nagase: The first guests are Sho Sakurai and Ayami Nakajo. I was very happy that the two of you who I didn’t expect to come came. From now on, we will experience various jobs while sweating. I think there are times when we do well and times when we don’t, but I hope people will come to think that both are our charms.

Takahashi: It was a bit refreshing to have so many guests, from actors to variety show regulars, and to be among them. Personally, I think it would be great if we might hone our variety skills, so I’d like to have the momentum to challenge the guests (laughs). As a project, it is an economic variety, so I think that we can deliver a very condensed lunchtime program with learning related to money and laughter.

◆Please tell us what you want to do in the program.

Nagase: I want the four of us to go on location and work together to do something. I want to find something that only the four of us can do.

Takahashi: I think it would be great if we might create something that makes the most of the individuality of the four of us. For example, I think it would be great if I might ask Hitori-san to write a script for Zakiyama-san, Ren, and I to act.

Hitori: I wanted to be an idol, so I want you to join me as an idol (laughs).

Yamazaki: Certainly, it would be nice if we might wear cool clothes that Ren and Kaito are wearing, and Ren and Kaito would wear our clothes. (laughs)

◆Please give a message to the viewers.

Hitori: Economic Variety may sound a little formal, but there is a lot of very meaningful information, so please take a look.

Yamazaki: I’m sure Ren-kun and Kaito-kun will be the focus of attention, but don’t forget that Zakiyama, the theater company, is next to them, so please take a moment to look at us too!

Takahashi: I would like you to see us learning various things by going to work that we don’t usually have much to do.

Nagase: I’m really looking forward to seeing what kind of projects we can have and what kind of experiences we can have, and I hope everyone will enjoy watching us do our best in new places that we’ve never experienced before. Above all, the studio has been completely refurbished, and we, in a sense, are approaching it with a new feeling, and I would like to make it a program that allows us to grow in many ways. Also, I will do my best to reduce the burden on Hitori-san and Zakiyama-san as much as possible (laughs).

Program information “Kintre” ©Nippon Television

Nippon Television *Kanto Local
Starts Saturday, July 1, 2023
Every Saturday from 1:30pm to 2:30pm

There is a missed delivery on TVer and Hulu

Formula HP:

“Kintre” from left) Gekidan Hitori, Kaito Takahashi, Ren Nagase, Hiroya Yamazaki © NTV “Kintre” © NTV

©Nippon Television

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