Milei confirmed his candidacy for President: one by one, the list of his legislative candidates

2023-06-24 23:05:00

Javier Milei confirmed his candidacy for President and presented all his applicants to legislative positions. With an extensive Twitter thread, the leader of La Libertad Avanza cleared up rumors and launched his campaign.

“What is this election regarding?” Milei began by asking herself on her social networks, adding: “Argentines have a historic opportunity. After decades of failures in which the same as always shared power, today we have the opportunity to do something different. To turn this sad page of our history”.

Along these lines, he continued: “We started the 20th century being the richest country in the world and for a hundred years we have slowly seen how politicians, with the excuse of Social Justice, were appropriating our wealth to distribute it among themselves. While the We Argentines were getting poorer”.

Three days following the closing of the lists, Javier Milei took out his main setter, Carlos Kikuchi

“From the country of immigrants to the country from which our boys want to run away. From having the strongest currency in the world to decades of constant inflation. From the granary of the world to our people starving. Argentines starving because they don’t have enough to eat,” he added.

He also commented: “All our problems have the same root: a political class that only cares regarding its own interests. Politicians, judges, trade unionists, businessmen, journalists who work every day so that nothing changes. So that everything stays the same. Because the status quo serves them.”

“We come to break that status quo. We have come to end this model that only benefits politicians and their friends. We come to defend the ideas of freedom that are the only ones that can bring prosperity to our country. We are here to seriously change things,” he continued.

In this sense, he pointed out: “This coming election is perhaps the most important since the return of democracy. There is no room to continue insisting with more of the same. If we continue on this path, we are certain that we will be the shantytown largest in the world. There is no other destination.”

“The only possibility of avoiding this fate of poverty for our country is with a profound change, from the roots, to once once more embrace the ideas of freedom, which are the ideas that made this country great. That is our fight. Make Argentina Great Again“, he stressed.

Finally, he concluded: “The central question we have to ask ourselves is this: do we want to continue like this or do we want to do something different? For months they have called me crazy for proposing a different path for our country. Madness is continuing to do the same and expect different results.”

List of Milei candidates for legislative office

Buenos Aires province

national senator

Juan Napoli: Bachelor of Business Administration from the Universidad Católica Argentina. Master in Financial Asset Management from ESEADE. He is President of Banco de Valores SA, President of Nápoli Inversiones SA, President of Valores Administradora de Fondos de Inversión y Fideicomisos SA and President of CAUSO SA Member of ADEBA (Association of Argentine Banks). Member of the ADEBA Foundation. Advisor to the River Plate presidency. Auditor of accounts of the Inter-American Council of Commerce and Production. Member of the Board of the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange. President of Merfox (Futures and Options Market). 1st Vice President of the Comitato degli Italiani all’Estero, Buenos Aires headquarters, and Member of the advisory council of Asociación CONCIENCIA.

national deputies

1. Alberto “Bertie” Benegas Lynch: He worked ten years for Banco Santander de Argentina in commercial banking and 12 years as General Director of Universia Argentina. For Universia Holding in Spain, he was in charge of the Corporate Communications Department for all of Latin America. He is a graduate of ESEADE’s PEACS and a Master’s Degree in Economics and Business Administration.

2. Marcela Pagano: Journalist. He worked at Ámbito Financiero, Clarín, Miter, TN, channel 13, A24, América and TV Pública.

3. Guillermo Montenegro: Lawyer (UBA). Head of the legal firm Montenegro & Asociados. Secretary General of the Democratic Party of the province of Buenos Aires. Secretary and Executive Director of the Oíd Mortales Foundation.

4. Maria Lorraine Macyszyn: Bachelor of Administration, graduated from the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires. She is finishing her Master’s in Public Policy at the Universidad Austral. For 20 years she worked in the administration of the family business and has carried out different personal ventures. She served as a legislative adviser.

5. Paul Ansaloni: Leader of the FE Party. He was a national deputy between 2017 and 2021.

6. Juliana Santillan: Diploma in Austrian Economics (ESEADE University). Marplatense. She is the daughter of a Senior Warrant Officer of the Navy.

7. Eduardo Falcone: Reference of the Integration and Development Movement (MID).

8. Lilia Lemoine: Born in José León Suárez. Specialist in systems, visual artist and influencer.

9. Santiago Sanctuary: Philosopher. College professor. President of Citizens.


national deputies

1. Diana Mondino: Director of Institutional Relations and professor of finance in the Master’s in Business Administration and Master’s in Finance at CEMA University. She has experience in economic and management issues. In the private sector and until accepting the candidacy, she has been director of Loma Negra, Banco Roela and Bodegas Bianchi. She has been a director of Pampa Energía and Banco Supervielle, companies listed on the NYSE. In the social area, she was a member of the board of directors of the Food Bank Foundation and of the Food Bank Network and various organizations.

2. Oscar Zago: Hotel businessman. CABA legislator since 2021 by LLA.

3. Sandra Pettovello: Graduate in Family Sciences from the Austral University. Postgraduate in Family Policies at the International University of Catalonia. Graduated in journalism at the University of Belgrano. She currently works as a consultant in employment and vocational guidance. She was a member of the research teams at the IAE Business School and the Universidad Austral.

Santa Fe

1. Romina Diez: Economist. He completed his studies at the National University of Rosario and specialized in the BCR and the University of León (Spain). She worked at Fundación Libertad as director of research and public policy. She coordinated different international projects for freedom, such as the Cuba Project and was distinguished by President Aznar as “Young Latin American promise”. She, in turn, dedicated herself to the academic field, teaching at the UNR and UCEL Universities. She also served as a media columnist.

2. Nicolas Mayoraz: Deputy of the province of Santa Fe (2019 – 23).


1. Maria Celeste Ponce: He studied Law at UNC and is finishing his studies at the 21st Century. He ventured into the knowledge industry. Currently, he focuses on software projects and mobile applications. In addition to her political activity as founder of Pumas Libertarios, she is also dedicated to her work in the private sector.

2. Gabriel Bornorini: Lawyer. President of the Confederation of Hydrocarbon Trade Entities of the Argentine Republic (Cecha) and of the Federation of Fuel and Related Dispensers Entities (Fecac).


1. Mercedes Plain

2. Facundo Correa Plains: Graduated from the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the National University of Cuyo. He currently works in private activity in the field of real estate.

#Milei #confirmed #candidacy #President #list #legislative #candidates



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