Why Parmesan is Nutritionists’ Favorite Cheese

2023-06-23 14:02:28

Although it is high in calories, Parmesan cheese is a Italian cooked pressed cheese full of benefits and which deserves to be consumed. Even when trying to lose weight. Explanations.

Does parmesan help with weight loss?

Parmesan, slimming ally? This is not obvious! And for good reason, when it comes to weight loss, cheese rarely has room for debate and when it is authorized, it mainly concerns less fatty cheeses such as fresh cheeses, low in calories. The sworn enemies? The cheeses with the most calories, namely Brillat-Savarin and Ossau Iraty (both of which have more than 400 kcal per 100 g), just ahead… parmesan with 390 kcal per 100 g! Why does it appeal to nutritionists? “It is a food that it is advisable to include in the diet because it has a very high nutritional quality that provides us with the energy necessary for the proper functioning of our organism”, explains the doctor Marta Garay, aesthetic doctor and nutrition specialist Vogue Spain.

But when looking to lose weight, calorie count isn’t the only thing to consider. According to nutritionists, choosing the most natural foods possible is just as important. And with only 3 ingredients in its composition, we can say that on this point the parmesan has it all! Containing only raw milk, rennet and salt, it contains no additives or sweeteners!

What are the benefits of parmesan?

It is made up of few ingredients: raw milk, rennet and salt. It is rich in protein (39.4 g per 100 g, according to the Table of nutritional composition of foods from ANSES), It is rich in sélénium (20 µg / 100 g), It is rich in calcium (980 mg / 100 g), It is rich in phosphorus (630 mg / 100 g), It is rich in potassium (110 mg / 100 g), It contains vitamins A, B and E, It has properties antioxidantsIt contains only very little lactose (< 0,1 g) et se révèle intéressant pour les personnes intolérantes à la recherche de fromages sans lactose,  Il a beaucoup de goût, du coup une petite quantité suffit à parfumer nos plats et on peut même rester en-dessous de la portion maximale de 30 g / jour !

Is parmesan good for health?

With 30 g of parmesan (the amount of cheese it is recommended to eat every day according to Public Health France), we cover:

more than 50% of the recommended daily intake of calcium for an adult nearly 30% of the recommended daily intake of phosphorus.

Rich in antioxidants – in particular thanks to the selenium it contains – parmesan helps fight once morest free radicals, responsible for cellular aging and promote cardiovascular disease. Thanks to its high levels of trace elements, Italian cheese contributes to the proper functioning of the body, phosphorus and calcium playing an essential role in the mineralization and structure of the skeleton as well as in biological functions such as muscle contraction, blood coagulation, the release of hormones or the activation of enzymes… From there to conclude that parmesan is a cheese good for health, there is only one step… that gourmets will cross cheerfully!

What do you give? disadvantages and health dangers of eating parmesan cheese ? Parmesan is a very salty cheese: with only 30 g you already cover 30% of the maximum recommended daily salt intake for an adult! On the other hand, with 95.3 mg per 100 g, parmesan is a cheese to avoid if you have cholesterol!

To choose the healthiest parmesan cheese:

we prefer Parmigiano Reggiano, which is more natural and more artisanal than Grana Padano, we rely on the composition: a good parmesan should only contain raw milk, rennet and salt. And it’s harder to find than it looks!

Read also:

Which cheese is the least calorie and the best for health? Can cheese be dangerous for health?

[Dossier] Everything you need to know regarding cheese – 20 articles to consult

#Parmesan #Nutritionists #Favorite #Cheese

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