Dealing with Road Rage: A Case of Nervous Driving and its Consequences

2023-06-24 12:00:00

Getting angry at the wheel because the driver in front of you is not driving optimally. This is what this inhabitant of Flémalle estimated. At Quai Arona, in Huy, he overtook and blocked a vehicle by positioning himself on two traffic lanes. Then, failing to be able to open the door of the “offending” vehicle and attack the driver, he attacked the door. The criminal court of Huy has just rendered its judgment. The nervous motorist has just benefited from the simple suspension of the pronouncement for 3 years.

This May 28, 2022, the future victim and his companion decided to attend a car rally, organized in the parking lot in Tihange. Around 10 p.m., they decide to return and take the RN90 to return home. It was at this moment that near the Arona quay, a Seat carried out a dangerous manoeuvre. The sequel is known.

Once back, the couple tries via an acquaintance to find out the name of the dishonest driver. A message is therefore launched on Facebook by a friend and thanks to the license plate, he is identified. In the followingmath, the offending driver indicates that he is willing to pay for the damage caused to the vehicle. Heard by the police on November 18, 2022, he acknowledges the facts. To the police, he explains that the vehicle in front of him was driving slowly then accelerating, putting him in danger. He clarified that “if he had managed to open the driver’s side door (Editor’s note: locked for good reason), he would have knocked.” The man who accompanied him probably limited the breakage since he managed to convince the alleged attacker to join his vehicle. The nervous driver has since apologized to his victim. An element that undoubtedly leaned in its favor

#nervous #driver #attacks #door #victim #Huy



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