Russian Authorities Strengthen Security Measures after Wagner Group Insurrection

2023-06-24 14:18:53

THE Russian authorities announced, on Saturday, a strengthening of security measures in several Russian cities and regions in the wake of thearmed insurrection led by the leader of the Wagner paramilitary group, Yevgueni Prigozhin.

In the town of Moscow and its region, a regime ofcounter terrorist operation was introduced by the National Anti-Terrorism Committee “in order to prevent possible terrorist acts“. The regime in question provides for a number of measures ranging from the verification of documents, the control of telephone conversations and the suspension of dangerous industries. It also provides for the requisition, as necessary, of vehicles as well as the restriction of communications and vehicular and pedestrian traffic on the streets.

AT Moscow and in his region, additional road control has been introduced, with authorities in the Moscow region asking drivers not to drive on certain highways. All public events have also been canceled at Moscow, announced the mayor of the city, Sergei Sobyanin, via Telegram. The Moscow transport department has announced the temporary suspension of river traffic on the Moskva riveradding that there may be delays and cancellations of departures of some interregional buses from bus stations in Moscow towards the south of the Russia.

600 kilometers south of Moscow, the region of Voronezhalso affected by the anti-terrorist operation regime, was the scene of a major fire which broke out in a fuel depot in the city of Voronezh, capital of the eponymous region where the presence of the Wagner paramilitary group was reported on social media. “More than 100 firefighters and 30 vehicles are on scene. Initial reports indicate no casualties,” the governor said. Alexander Gusev on his Telegram channel, without specifying the causes of the fire. The regional official also noted that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation “are implementing the necessary operational and combat measures” within the framework of the anti-terrorist operation on the territory of the Voronezh region.

Saturday, the boss of Wagner claimed to have taken control of Rostov-on-Don, an important logistics center of therussian army located 500 km from Voronezh, a few hours following calling theuprising once morest Russian army leaders. Prigogine went into rebellion with the 25,000 men claimed by his group, following accusing the regular army of having bombarded his troops. Following these accusations, the Russian public prosecutor’s office announced, on the night of Friday to Saturday, the opening of an investigation for “armed mutiny” once morest the head of the Wagner group.

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Security measures have been reinforced in several regions near Voronezh, including Lipetsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Briansk, Kirov et Koursk. In Lipetsk, a region 420 km south of Moscow, the authorities called on the population to stay at home and to give up all travel in a private vehicle. Subsequently, the governor of the region, Igor Artamonov, reported on a movement of Wagner troops in the region. “Law enforcement and authorities, including in municipalities, are taking all necessary measures to ensure the safety of the population. The situation is under control,” he wrote on Telegram.

Other regions bordering Moscowto know Kaluga, captures et Toula announced the cancellation of public events. AT Saint PETERSBOURGa city located 635 km northwest of Moscow, the police surrounded Wagner’s headquarters, ensuring that the situation was monitored.

Saturday morning, the Russian President Vladimir Putin described as “treason” and “a stab in the back”, the armed insurrection led by the leader of the Wagner paramilitary group. “All those who have deliberately chosen the path of treason, who have prepared an armed insurrection, who have chosen the path of blackmail and terrorist methods, will suffer inevitable retribution, will answer both before the law and before our people”, he said in an address to the Nation.

The relation between Yevgeny Prigojine and the Kremlin has been marked by many tensions in recent months, the boss of Wagner not hesitating to criticize Moscow publicly, accusing it in particular of not sending enough weapons.

Read also: Wagner Group insurrection in Russia: Putin denounces treason

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