Evening Meals and Weight Loss: The Brigham Hospital Study Reveals the Surprising Truth

2023-06-24 04:07:14

If many people favor evening meals to lose weight, they are completely wrong. According to this study of Brigham Hospitaleating only in the evening would have the opposite effect than desired…

The Brigham Hospital study

According to the Brigham Hospital, fasting early and eating late would increase your desire to eat. This habit would decrease the number of calories burned by your body and change the way your body stores fat. To better understand the effect of feeding at the end of the day, researchers from the Brigham Hospital focused on our way of digesting.

This was a small study, with only 16 overweight or obese patients. Each participant had a strict dietary program. Meals were taken early or late in the day. All other factors of daily life, including working hours sleep and of awakening were kept. By noting appetite and hunger, and taking blood samples et temperatures participants throughout the day, the researchers were able to map energy expenditure.

They found that eating later had an impact on three key factors linked to obesity and the ability to lose weight. The regulation of thecalorie intakethe number of calories you burn and the molecular changes in fat tissue are these three determining factors.

Eating early in the day promotes weight loss

The study of Brigham Hosptial reveals that eating late in the day suppresses body’s natural energy expenditure. This causes hunger and changes in the structure of fatty tissue. You therefore have a high risk of becoming obese. The times we eat have a big impact on the amount of energy we burn throughout the day as well as our appetite.

The consequences of depriving your body of food for long hours

Eating late, defined as waiting an extra four hours to start eating for the day, promoted the release of the hunger hormone leptin, which remained elevated for 24 hours, and also slowed the number of calories burned for do daily activities.

The consequences of eating very late

Eating late also promoted adipogenesis, which is when the body stores fat, and reduced the rate of lipolysis, which is when the body mobilizes fat to burn energy.

The body’s reaction to waiting too long for a meal

The study authors said their findings explained why waiting to eat (sipping breakfast and possibly even lunch) caused individuals to gain fat, even if they were fasting. The body reacts to lack of food by stepping on a dimmer, to reduce production and preserve calories, and by storing fat, as a means of self-protection once morest starvation or other life-threatening situations where food is scarce.
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