Why does the Lebanese judiciary consistently agree to Raja Salameh’s medical excuses?

2023-06-23 19:35:56

Farah Mansour – Cities

Raja Salameh, brother of the Governor of the Banque du Liban, Riad Salameh, has a hidden case that must be revealed one day. The man is in good health, but he suffers from an exceptional situation, as soon as he is informed of the date of his interrogation session, his physical structure betrays him, so his health deteriorates, his physical functions deteriorate, he is admitted to the hospital for treatment, and all diseases in his body awaken. And as soon as the time for the “fateful” session passes, he regains his energy, is discharged from the hospital, and continues his life normally.

Endless excuses
In fact, it goes without saying that this exceptional situation does not affect all human beings, and we may say that it accompanies every person who tries to evade his trial, or who wishes to flee from foreign justice.

Therefore, we will not ask why French Judge Aude Borosi issued an international arrest warrant once morest the ruler, and did not digest the argument he presented, and we will not ask why the European judiciary insisted on extending his visit in Beirut to hear Raja Salameh following he presented a medical excuse, and we will not ask regarding the time limit for recovery. which was given to Raja Salama, despite him showing medical reports proving that he had acute intestinal infections. Most importantly, we will not compare the speed of the European judiciary with the slowness of the Lebanese judiciary.

We will not think regarding all these questions, but we will ask only one: Why does the Lebanese judiciary consistently agree to Raja Salameh’s medical excuses?

Obvious evasion
On the twenty-fifth of last April, Raja was prevented from attending his interrogation sessions before European delegations, claiming that he was suffering from acute intestinal infections, as a result of which he was admitted to Hotel Dieu Hospital. The European delegations insisted on interrogating him on the fourth of last May.

In this session, which lasted more than 5 continuous hours, Salameh tried to evade, asking the European judiciary to allow him to leave the session, following he was overwhelmed by a state of tension. The German Public Prosecutor prevented him and asked him to remain silent to complete the hearing.

On the sixteenth of last May, the ruler refused to attend his session in France, so Judge Borosi did not hesitate to issue an international arrest warrant once morest him, indifferent to the argument he presented to the French judiciary.

At the end of May, Raja Salama was prevented from attending his scheduled session in France, and he provided a medical excuse stating that his severe pain had returned once more and he needed to undergo a “cavity” operation (in the heart) and he was unable to travel until following two months.

What we have presented is to confirm that the Salama family is good at playing on time and the law at the same time, and is adept at draining exposed medical excuses to the last breath. In fact, she may not be blamed for her blatant tricks that she has come to rely on within the Lebanese judiciary, as long as this judiciary itself agrees to pass these open excuses, and to be subjected to this humiliation.

In the details, Raja Salameh was supposed to appear before Judge Charbel Abu Samra last week, and as expected, he was absent from his session, claiming that he needed to perform an operation to break up stones in his kidney, and then to perform an open heart operation.

After these terrible arguments, the head of the Cases Authority in the Ministry of Justice rejected these excuses and demanded that Judge Abu Samra appoint a forensic doctor to examine Salama and make sure of his sudden illnesses.

Abu Samra did not appoint any doctor, but rather asked the legal representative to present detailed reports within 3 days only. Salama did not hesitate, as he brought many medical reports from a doctor specializing in urology this time. It seems that the man has become able to provide dozens of medical reports if Abu Samra requests them. Sometimes he seeks the help of a doctor specializing in cardiology, and another time a specialist in urology, and we do not know if he needs a medical excuse from another specialist to submit it next month.

What is remarkable regarding Raja’s case is that his stay in the hospital always coincides with the time of his interrogation sessions, and one of the strange things regarding this disease is that he recovers on the second day, recovers and is discharged.

In fact, Salama’s legal representative confirmed last week that his client is receiving treatment inside the hospital and needs rest and continuous follow-up. Stones in his kidney, but he won’t have any heart surgery.” So, Raja’s heart is fine, why is he evading his interrogation sessions?

On the other hand, Salama’s legal representative explained to Judge Helena Iskandar, the head of the Cases Authority at the Ministry of Justice, “that his client needs to undergo an open-heart surgery following the first operation to break up the stones…”.

Another interrogation session
In any case, a follow-up judicial source confirmed to Al-Modon that Judge Abu Samra had received the detailed medical reports on Salama’s condition, approved them, and was convinced of them, and set another session for July 12, when the ruler, his brother, and his assistant will appear before him.

Al-Modon has learned that it is expected that the Cases Authority will ask Judge Abu Samra to hand over the medical reports for scrutiny, especially since they are entitled to view them and express an opinion, as they are a main party to the filed lawsuit.

What we fear today is that Salama’s judicial file will be similar to the port file, which was shot with a merciful death. We can only recall an explicit statement by one of the high-ranking judicial authorities, saying: “The port issue will remain the same for life, and the truth will not be revealed.” This phrase applies to the ruler’s case, at least in the Lebanese judiciary, not abroad.

Simply put, the Lebanese judiciary has proven today that it is incapable of pursuing any political case. In the coming months, Abu Samra will reach retirement age, and the case will be transferred to another judge. Until then, it is expected that none of those involved in the case of the Salameh family and their associates will appear before the Lebanese judiciary.

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