Preventing Vitamin D Deficiency: Key Factors and 4 Ways to Improve Health

2023-06-24 03:18:00

Pictures, texts/Health Today

Long-term vitamin D deficiency and deficiency can easily increase the risk of various diseases

Vitamin D is one of the important nutrients for the human body. Long-term deficiency or deficiency may affect the skeletal muscle, autoimmune, cardiovascular, skin and other systems, increasing the risk of various diseases, such as asthma, cancer, coronary artery disease, depression, bone Atopic dermatitis, metabolic syndrome and other diseases. In recent years, more studies have pointed out that vitamin D controls the transmission of cell messages in most tissues in the body, so deficiency or deficiency will affect cell functions, such as proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis.

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Her work and rest are upside down day and night, she does not bask in the sun, her vitamin D is too low, and she suffers from severe chronic inflammation!

The case of a 26-year-old female, engaged in the cultural and creative industry, her work and rest are upside down day and night, like a bat, nocturnal, plus the pursuit of whitening, must wear sunscreen, take a taxi instead of travel, and even rely on food delivery platforms for meals, afraid of getting sunburned sun. The vitamin D concentration in the body is generally recommended to be ≥30ng/ml, but Ms. Lin has been as low as 1.9ng/ml for a long time, causing severe chronic inflammation in the body, and also suffering from autoimmune diseases such as allergic rhinitis and herpes zoster.

Nearly 90% of Chinese people are deficient in vitamin D. Doctors point out that there are 3 key points, and indoor families should pay attention!

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The Lian An Clinic of Lian An Preventive Medicine Institute analyzed a total of 125,292 vitamin D data from 2015 to 2022, and found that as many as 87% of the people are vitamin D deficient or deficient, and nearly 9 out of 10 people have vitamin D abnormalities.

Key factor 1: sun protection, whitening
Dr. Zheng Naiyuan, the chief director of Lian An Preventive Medicine Institute, further analyzed by gender and found that nearly 85% of men have vitamin D abnormalities, and nearly 90% of women do not reach the recommended value. It is speculated that women are more pursuing whitening and sun protection than men. The habit of extra supplementation leads to high levels of vitamin D abnormalities.

Key factor two: mostly indoors
Among all age groups, young people aged 21 to 30 are the most abnormal, and as high as 93% are insufficient or lacking. It is speculated that it may be due to the development of the food delivery culture in recent years and the prevalence of indoor entertainment.

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Key factor three: limited intake
When you walk into a drug store, there are a lot of vitamin D products on the shelves. TV news and media magazines often call for the importance of vitamin D supplementation, but why are the vitamin D levels of Chinese people still generally below the recommended value? Dean Zheng Naiyuan said that the main reason is that the body consumes vitamin D every day, but the daily diet can only supplement 5% to 10% of the body’s needs. Therefore, it is difficult to maintain the recommended concentration of vitamin D in the body without adequate daily sunlight or supplementation with health food.

To prevent vitamin D deficiency from causing upper body illness, 4 simple ways of medicine and education can make up for it!

It is actually not difficult to effectively supplement vitamin D. If you grasp the following four principles, you can easily build a healthy body.

Proper sunshine:
Sunlight is an important source of vitamin D conversion. Pay attention to the exposure time. It is recommended to expose to the sun for at least 10 to 15 minutes every day from 10:00 to 14:00, and it is best to avoid the sun at noon to avoid sunburn. , clothing, sunscreen and other substances to block, at least 40% of the body’s skin must be bathed in the sun to effectively supplement.

Food intake:
Eat more foods rich in vitamin D. Recommended “sunshine foods” include black fungus, salmon, saury, dried shiitake mushrooms, mackerel, duck, fresh shiitake mushrooms, pork liver, etc.

Health food:
It is recommended to choose vitamin D health food in the form of D3, or choose the compound dosage form with vitamin K, which can help calcium absorption and strengthen bones.

Regular testing:
In addition to recommending that vitamin D testing be included in the annual health check-up, it is also recommended that those who regularly supplement vitamin D health food take back-testing every 3 to 6 months, so as to grasp the health status of the first line and understand the effectiveness of supplementation.

Her lack of vitamin D affected her bone density, and both were improved with the help of a doctor!

When the 63-year-old case went to Lian An for a general health check-up as early as 2018, his vitamin D value was only 15.3ng/ml, and his bone density T value was as low as -2. It is speculated that it was caused by menopause, long-term vitamin D deficiency and lack of proper exercise. Afterwards, vitamin D supplementation was recommended by the doctor. In just four years, vitamin D returned to the recommended value of 33.2ng/ml, and the bone density T value improved to -1.4.

Dean Zheng Naiyuan reminded that although sunshine is an important source of vitamin D, most people work indoors, and it is difficult to get sunlight. In addition, supplementation from diet is limited. Therefore, if you want to avoid vitamin D deficiency or deficiency, you should still take it seriously Sufficient doses of health food should be supplemented according to the situation. The most important thing is to have health awareness, face up to one’s own condition and actively adjust it, which is the true meaning of practicing preventive medicine, avoiding diseases, and maintaining health.

This article is authorized to be reproduced from: Health TodayNearly 90% of Chinese people are vitamin D deficient! Doctors point out 3 keys, 4 ways to improve and avoid getting sick!

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