2023-06-23 20:06:48
The liver of an adult weighs an impressive one and a half kilograms. The organ is something like the central metabolic officer in our body, here – below the ribs and the diaphragm in the right upper abdomen – vital processes take place nonstop: the liver manufactures proteins, it produces the bitter digestive juice bile, it takes care that Nutrients and metabolites are stored, passed on or broken down. Drugs and toxins also have to go through her, she has mastered the art of converting toxic into non-toxic substances. Too much alcohol in the blood? The liver takes care. Around 2000 liters of blood pass through the liver every day. That’s regarding one and a half liters per minute. The almost 300 billion liver cells take care of the nutrients and oxygen from the blood, which is supplied via the so-called portal vein. They filter, clean, enrich. The processed blood is returned via the hepatic vein. The liver cells can convert sugar into fat and proteins into sugar, they generate energy from fat, regulate blood sugar levels and convert toxic metabolic products such as ammonia into non-toxic urea. With so many tasks, the liver appreciates good care. So consume as little alcohol and fatty food as possible, but consume many foods with bitter substances. Nice thing is: the liver likes coffee.
#liver #cells #care #Health #Nutrition