Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, who is the candidate challenging Mauricio Macri?

2023-06-23 10:57:00

With an extensive career in public service, a characteristic with which he seeks to show himself as an “administrator”, the head of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires, Horacio Rodriguez Larretais one of the candidates for the presidency of the PRO, a party that integrates the coalition Together for Change.

In that opposition space, he faces a tough internal battle with the former Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrichwho has the implicit support of former president Mauricio Macria key player in the career of the mayor of Buenos Aires, paradoxically.

Mauricio Macri, the leader who “brought” Rodríguez Larreta into politics

It is that it was the former president and founder of the PRO who He ended up attracting him to political activity in mid-2002, when the representation of the leaders was seriously questioned by society, following the 2001 crisis.

“When we decided to actively participate in politics at the hands of Mauricio Macri, with whom we founded the Commitment for Change party in 2003, which was later renamed the Republican Proposal (PRO) in 2005,” he recalled, in recent journalistic statements.

From that moment on, became a key figure of the PROfirst in the electoral field, as campaign manager, and then in management, when the then president of Boca won the elections for head of government of Buenos Aires in 2007.

Already in the Buenos Aires administration, Rodríguez Larreta served as Chief of Cabinet of Ministers of the Cityand once Macri obtained the presidency of the country in 2015, he succeeded him in front of the federal capital.

With a clear re-election in 2019, and following his political “godfather” saw his second term in the Nation frustrated, little by little he became one of the main opposition leadersand thus, in one of the main candidates for President for this 2023.

The origins of Rodríguez Larreta in the public service and his link with Peronism

However, the relationship with the public function of Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, who was born in 1965 and graduated as an economist at the National University of Buenos Aires, began several years before the PRO, in the early 1990s.

In 1993, returning from completing an MBA at Harvard University, founded the Sophia Groupan NGO that was dedicated to the “training of young people with a political vocation” according to the official biography of the presidential candidate.

Also in that year, he was summoned by the government of President Carlos Menem to participate in the Undersecretary of Investments of the Ministry of Economy of the Nation, which at that time, was led by Domingo Horse.

In 1995, already in the second presidency of La Rioja, he was dismissed as gGeneral Manager of the National Social Security Administration (Anses), the central body in the distribution of the State budget already at that time.

Three years later, he became a member of the Ministry of Social Developmentas undersecretary of Social Policies, under the leadership of Ramon “Palito” Ortegafor whom he also worked in his campaign as a candidate for vice president of the Peronist and Buenos Aires governor, eduardo duhaldein 1999.

His time at Fernando De la Rúa’s PAMI and the suicide of René Favaloro

In the new millennium, during the presidency of the radical Fernando De la Ruawas appointed controller of the AMONGthe social work for retirees, another key body in state social assistance.

It was during the administration of Rodríguez Larreta when René Favaloroemblem of Argentine medicine and creator of coronary bypass surgery, committed suicideafflicted by the delicate financial situation of his foundation.

In his farewell letter, the cardiologist made a public complaint once morest various state agencies, which had debts with his organization. Among them, he mentioned PAMI, which in addition to pointing out the lack of payment, denounced for the request for bribes and returns.

Although he was not named by Favaloro in his writing, since then, and especially by his political adversaries, the Buenos Aires head of government is linked to the death of the historic Argentine doctoreven, by the current president, Alberto Fernandez.

The Presidency, the last and most important objective of Rodríguez Larreta

Back to this 2023 electoral, Larreta seeks to reach the Presidency on behalf of Together for Change, the alliance formed in 2015 and who governed from that year to 2019under the presidency of Mauricio Macri.

Despite his influence in the opposition coalition, there have been many leaders, from the same space, those who have questioned it for its «dialogist» character y «moderate» with respect to other actors in Argentine politics.

Generally, the questions have come from the “falcon” sector of spacewhich is led by the other presidential candidate of the PROPatricia Bullrichwho, unlike his internal opponent, has sought to show a profile «stand» y cofrontativein line with his management at the head of the Ministry of National Security.

A few hours before the closing of the lists for the PASO, Larreta, with a confirmed candidacy, has yet to announce his running matea place where all the rumors and reports locate Gerardo Moralesthe governor of Jujuy recently accused of repression and violence in his province.

With information from CNN.

#Horacio #Rodríguez #Larreta #candidate #challenging #Mauricio #Macri



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