Expert view | Ali Khribi, State-approved tax advisor and member of the CNCFT, to La Presse: “The introduction of a new tax has never been a solution”

2023-06-21 09:00:44

Currently, Tunisians are required to declare wealth tax no later than June 30 of each year according to a model established by the tax administration and of course the declaration of real estate wealth tax must be filed with the finance revenue and linked to the place of residence of the taxpayer.

Can you give us further clarification on the wealth tax introduced in the 2023 finance law?

In Tunisia, the real estate wealth tax, called IFI for short, was introduced by decree-law n°79-2022 relating to the finance law for the year 2023. The Real Estate Wealth Tax is a specific tax which exists in certain countries, in particular in France, and which aims to tax the net value of real estate held by natural persons at a rate of 0.5% on January 1 of each year.

In your opinion, why was this tax introduced and what are its objectives?

The explanatory memorandum of the finance law for the year 2023 is limited to evoking, with generic words, the reason for the appearance of the IFI, and results in the strengthening of the solidarity effort in the financing of public expenditure, the achievement of tax equality and the limitation of tax evasion.

It is obvious that because of its redistributive implications, the real estate wealth tax remains fertile ground for these ideological principles of solidarity and equality, even if its yield or economic efficiency is difficult to justify until today. .

And regardless of the theoretical explanations and hyperbolic motives associated with it, anyone interested in the subject knows that the wealth tax has resisted refutation for years and still continues to fuel every moral, political controversy. , fiscal or economic in a handful of countries.

What is the scope of wealth tax?

On this point, the text is very clear, the IFI concerns natural persons holding real estate whose overall real commercial value is greater than or equal to 3 million dinars, including buildings owned by minor children who are dependent on them. , from January 1 of each year and following deducting the value of the exempt goods.

Are all categories of property taxable?

Absolutely not ! The tax on real estate wealth is applicable on all wealth from real estate of natural persons (immovable property and real land rights), it should be noted that movable property and securities are not affected by the IFI .

The law has excluded from the IFI: the main dwelling, whatever the value and surface area; buildings intended for professional use, with the exception of buildings leased to third parties, provided that the property appears in the assets of the taxpayer’s balance sheet; agricultural land operated directly subject to declaring the related income; and agricultural land intended for field crops and exploited directly.

How can Tunisians declare their wealth tax?

Currently Tunisians are called upon to declare wealth tax no later than June 30 of each year according to a model established by the tax administration and of course the declaration of real estate wealth tax must be filed with the tax office. finances and linked to the place of residence of the taxpayer.

It is also possible to declare and pay real estate wealth tax by reliable electronic means.

More clearly, the property wealth tax return must be filed with the Revenue Department to which the taxpayer’s main place of residence is attached. Failing this, at the level of the Revenue of the place of the main establishment of the taxpayer or that of the place of the building having the highest value if the taxpayer is not resident in Tunisia.

How do you assess Tunisia’s economic situation today?

Despite the fact that Tunisia has benefited from the support of the international community, particularly through loans and technical assistance programs, to support its economic and fiscal reforms, our country is facing the most delicate economic situation in the Tunisian history.

Unfortunately, the economic outlook continues to face high uncertainty and downside risks in a domestic and international environment characterized by financial sector disruptions, political instability, lack of fiscal reform, high inflation, the fallout from the geopolitical tensions between Russia and Ukraine, the followingmath of the Covid-19 crisis and the almost total absence of the will to build, the will to create wealth, to innovate and to follow the global rhythm.

Currently, we are in the grip of a financial haemorrhage and serious economic difficulties and the country is struggling to bail out its coffers and as the Italian saying goes, “great evils require great remedies”.

The current situation imperatively requires radical solutions, deep solutions and the introduction of a new tax has never been a solution to remedy the economy, especially in an unstable tax environment, with so many tax categories and archaic legislative texts.

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