Unlocking Solar Potential: Bonus for Domestic Battery Installation in French-speaking Regions

2023-06-22 09:19:00

In Flanders, residents are entitled to a bonus for installing domestic batteries. The latter make it possible to store the energy produced by the solar panels when it is not consumed. Faced with the dropout of inverters from photovoltaic panels, Manu Douette (MR), Walloon MP and MP for the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, wants to draw inspiration from it for the French-speaking population where no bonus exists either in Wallonia or in Brussels. that these batteries are still very expensive today.

“A battery of this kind costs between 5,000 and 8,000 euros, he notes. In Flanders, the premium is between 2,000 and 3,000 euros and therefore makes it easier to acquire it. Currently, the problem is that the panels may no longer become profitable to purchase, especially since the network is unable to integrate all the production of individuals. And one of the consequences is that the inverter skips the citizen from producing more electricity It must then be restarted and during this time we consume energy like everyone else. People who installed their panels one or two years ago therefore have their investment on their backs, and with the prosumer tax that is coming and the tax of certain suppliers precisely because of these jumping inverters, it is time to intervene.When the inverter is cut by the network, the panels no longer produce, individuals must suffer a double penalty “.

With this battery, the energy produced in addition would therefore not be lost. For prosumers, this is a way to better manage their electricity production, which also contributes to stabilizing the distribution network.

Deputy mayor Manu Douette has worked to maintain the subsidization of downtown management. ©NBIDOULGas prices play yo-yo: “The crisis is over but has left its mark, we risk staying in this situation until 2026”

In Flanders, the energy crisis has also boosted solar panels: there were nearly 100,000 more installations last year. “Via this battery, we can increase our self-consumption and allow the energy produced during the day to be stored while people return home, adds Manu Douette. This limits the stalling of inverters and the loss of electricity. I therefore want to propose to the Minister this idea of ​​a bonus for the installation of batteries”.

#Solar #panels #roof #bonus #installing #battery #Flanders



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