Drug prices: the switch to the pharmacy should soon cost more

2023-06-22 15:56:00

600 million euros, this is the amount of savings that Bercy hopes to achieve.

The idea is to lower the amount covered by Social Security in the drug reimbursement purchased in pharmacy.

During the Public Finance Conference, which was held on Monday June 19, Bruno Le Maire, Minister of the Economy, estimated that “free or almost free [des médicaments] can lead to disempowering the patient and explains why the purchase of drugs is still so high in France”.

The medical deductible should be revised upwards

Bercy currently has the amount of expenses related to the reimbursement of drugs in its sights. The idea, put forward by the Ministry of the Economy, would be to increase the medical deductible on drugs. This is deducted from reimbursements made by your health insurance fund on your pharmacy purchases.

Created in 2008, the medical franchise might be revised upwards. Today amounting to 50 cents per box of medicine or per bottle reimbursed, it might go up to 1 euro. Deductible which is capped at 50 euros per year.

Doubling the amount of the deductible would allow Bercy to achieve 500 to 600 million in savings per year.

The government under pressure from drug lobbies

On June 15, before the Senate inquiry commission, François Braun, Minister of Health and Prevention, declared that he was “ready to consider” an increase in the price of generic drugs.

Yet unconvinced by the price-shortage correlation argument for generic drugs put forward by the big pharmaceutical companies, François Braun finally gave in to the sirens of the sector’s lobbies.

A list of 450 so-called essential medicines

The President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, announced on Tuesday June 13 the relocation of the production of 450 drugs considered essential.

trumpeting that “These much talked regarding relocations show that we have reversed the direction of history”and to hammer that “this reindustrialization is underway”. Producing in France, of course, but with a probable revaluation of selling prices as a result.

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