Protesters Begin Indefinite Strike at ENMH: Demands for Dismissal of Officials

2023-06-22 12:33:45

A group of students, teachers and administrative workers from the National School of Medicine and Homeopathy (ENMH), of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), began an indefinite strike yesterday to demand the dismissal of various campus officials, including the deputy director administrative, Adriana Leos Franco.

In a letter that they released this Wednesday, the protesters denounced that the ENMH is experiencing a scenario of “nepotism, workplace harassment, harassment, conflict of interest, intimidation, direct threats, omission of responsibilities and usurpation of functions”, by the for which several managers are responsible.

In addition to the dismissal of Leos, those responsible for the strike demanded those of the deputy directors, academic, Nayeli Jardón López; and educational services, Tania Carrillo Ibarra; the heads of the Department of Basic Disciplinary Training, Luis Gabriel Mendoza; for Academic Evaluation and Monitoring, Juan Oswaldo Hernández, and for Clinical Professional Training, Janiz Ramírez García.

Samuel Sotelo, secretary of the Executive Committee of Section 11 of the National Union of Education Workers, explained that a particular demand is focused on the departure of Leos, because that directive has already been terminated on two previous occasions, for various reasons. irregularities, but through amparo and other legal resources, he returned to his position a few weeks ago.

The official’s first dismissal, she recalled, took place in February of this year, when the ENMH workers accused her of “mistreatment and abuse of authority”, as well as of being supposedly responsible for the fact that the degree in surgeon and midwife did not obtain the endorsement of the Mexican Council for the Accreditation of Medical Education.

After her departure, Leos Franco managed to be reinstated in March, but she was once once more separated from her post, through a letter dated April 19, signed by the director of the IPN, Arturo Reyes Sandoval, who designated her as responsible for alleged failures in movements of interim personnel.

Despite this, three weeks ago the official managed to return to her post, without the IPN having taken any position on this fact so far, which generated the disagreement of the strikers.

The toma of the school “is for an indefinite period and above all it is for the matter of Leos. The problem has already escalated and it seems that they don’t want to solve it, but to increase it”, lamented Sotelo.

#Jornada #Stop #work #school #medicine #homeopathy #IPN



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