2023-06-22 14:07:58
Ahmed Laaouej, the leader of the PS group in the Chamber also criticized Foreign Minister Hadja Lahbib, on the hot seat since the granting of visas to an Iranian delegation visiting Brussels. “She let torturers enter our territory,” exclaimed the socialist at the microphone of LN24. “We are talking regarding the ‘Butcher of Tehran’, so these are extremely serious facts”.
The leader of the socialist group regrets that “whole families in Iran (are) threatened because their parents were filmed in Belgium as being opponents in Belgium, human rights activists”. “Today, you have to say what it is, there are people who are in danger of death. »
Ahmed Laaouej also pointed to the decrease in the credibility of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, tainting Belgium. “The Minister’s credibility is tarnished on the international scene, but through her it is the whole of the government and of Belgium that sees its credibility diminish. And in terms of international relations, you must be credible, and in particular in the field of the defense of human rights. »
#Ahmed #Laaouej #criticizes #Hadja #Lahbib #Belgiums #credibility #damaged #international #scene