6 Liver-Protecting Foods to Reduce Liver Burden: Tips from Dietitian Chen Yichun

2023-06-22 09:04:29

When sufficient nutrients are provided to the body, the liver can start its self-repair function and allow the liver cells to repair. Dietitian Chen Yichun recommends 6 liver-protecting foods, which can provide sufficient nutrition to the liver and reduce the burden on the liver:

Anti-liver cancer food 1: high-quality protein

The liver detoxification system requires a large amount of amino acids to participate, and taking in high-quality protein is an important way to protect the liver.

Food examples: soybeans, fish, seafood, lean meat, eggs, milk.

It is recommended to eat original food and avoid intake of processed food with poor protein quality, such as ham, sausage, fish paste.

Anti-liver cancer food 2: rainbow color vegetables and fruits

Rainbow-colored fruits and vegetables contain various phytochemicals, which have anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, help the liver eliminate free radicals produced in the first stage of detoxification, and protect liver cells. The more colorful the food at each meal, the more phytochemicals you will get.

Anti-liver cancer food 3: vitamin B group

Vitamin B group is the coenzyme of many enzymes, which can make various chemical steps of the human body go smoothly, and is also an essential nutrient for liver detoxification.

Food examples: dairy, meat, beans, eggs, organ meats, dark green vegetables, whole grains.

Anti-liver cancer food 4: lecithin

Lecithin has the function of emulsifying fat, which helps the liver to metabolize fat smoothly.

Food examples: soy milk, tofu, edamame, black beans and other soy products, egg yolk.

Anti-liver cancer food 5: natural spices

Natural spices have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, can inhibit the body’s inflammatory signal transmission, and are beneficial to liver health.

Food examples: shallots, ginger, garlic, chilies, turmeric, star anise, basil, basil, cumin, fennel.

Anti-liver cancer food 6: probiotics, prebiotics

The intestinal tract is closely related to the liver. Consuming foods containing probiotics can help maintain the balance of intestinal flora, reduce intestinal toxins, reduce the burden on the liver, and maintain liver health.

Examples of probiotic foods: cheese, cheese drinks, kimchi.

Examples of prebiotic foods: dietary fiber, oligosaccharides.


Nine major symptoms of liver disease, warning signs, easy fatigue, be careful

Dietitian Chen Yichun mentioned that the liver is a “silent organ”. You should pay attention to the following 9 warning signs in your body, because they may be a sign of liver disease:

1. Dull complexion and yellow skin

2. Indigestion, loss of appetite

3. Nausea and vomiting

4. Burnout

5. Unexplained bleeding, often bruising

6. Brown urine

7. Anemia, pale palms

8. Fatty liver, hepatitis virus

9. Ascites

The 6 major living habits of liver protection are suitable for mild aerobic exercise

To prevent liver disease, you can also start with your living habits. Dietitian Chen Yichun listed 6 lifestyle habits for liver protection:

Liver protection habit 1: Effective rest

Especially from 11:00 pm to 3:00 am is an important time for liver and gallbladder detoxification.

Liver Habit 2: Stay away from unnecessary drugs and toxins

Try to avoid toxins in food and the environment, such as high-temperature cooking food, charcoal grilling, moldy food, large fish, artificial additives, Chinese herbal medicines of unknown origin, food in plastic containers, air pollution, daily necessities toxins, etc. Also, stay away from psychological toxins (emotions, stress) and endogenous toxins (gut, free radicals).

Liver protection habit 3: Quit smoking and drinking

Cigarettes contain more than 7,000 chemicals that need to be detoxified in the liver, like alcohol.

Liver protection habit 4: light aerobic exercise

30 minutes of mild to moderate aerobic exercise every day, combined with diet control, can help improve fatty liver. High-intensity anaerobic exercise will produce lactic acid, which needs to be metabolized in the liver. Excessive lactic acid will increase the burden on the liver.

Liver protection habit 5: Abdominal breathing

Avoid hypoxia in the body.

Liver protection habit 6: Regular tracking

Especially for hepatitis B and C carriers, they must receive treatment to control the amount of hepatitis virus and follow up regularly to reduce liver inflammation.

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6 liver-damaging foods and barbecue foods should be eaten less

Dietitian Chen Yichun continued to point out that avoiding foods that can cause damage to the liver is also one of the ways to protect the liver. She recommends staying away from the following 6 liver-damaging foods:

Foods that damage the liver:

1. Moldy food

2. Processed foods

3. Sweets, refined sugar

4. High-fat foods

5. BBQ food

6 excessive alcohol

[Same Field Gayon]There are 3 stages in the development of hepatitis into liver cancer:

According to an analysis report of more than 1,700 liver cancer patients in Turkey, there are 3 stages in the development of hepatitis into liver cancer.

Viral infection

Hepatitis B: 20% of patients will develop chronic hepatitis

Hepatitis C: 80% will develop into chronic hepatitis

1/4 of patients with chronic hepatitis will develop cirrhosis

Liver cancer: 1 in 20 people may suffer from liver cancer

Suggestion: Patients with hepatitis B and C should have regular physical examination


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