Pottery & stone, carpets, traditional clothing… Moroccan craftsmanship continues its export performance – Today Morocco

2023-06-22 10:00:52

By product family, Pottery & Stone, Carpets and Basketry recorded the largest shares of export turnover for these four months with respectively 30, 21 and 15%.

Growth: Craftsmanship continues to grow in exports with a turnover at the end of April 2023 which exceeded 410.8 million dirhams, up 15% compared to the same period last year. According to the latest indicators from the crafts department, Pottery & Stone retains its position as the leading product family in terms of share in overall exports. In terms of markets, the USA comes in first place and by city of origin Casablanca is in the lead.

For export, Moroccan handicrafts are on the rise at the moment. During the first four months of 2023, they achieve a 15% increase compared to the same date in 2022, reaching a turnover of more than 410.8 MDH. By product family, Pottery & Stone, Carpets and Basketry recorded the largest shares of export turnover for these four months with respectively 30, 21 and 15%. Pottery & Stone and Carpets are the product families that come out on top in terms of contribution to marked growth with 6% each.

In detail, the Pottery & Stone family exported more than half (56%) of Casablanca, of which more than two thirds of shipments were sent to the USA (71%) during the first four months of 2023. According to the crafts department, an 18% share transited through Marrakech first to the USA (32%) and France (29%). 12% of Pottery & Stone shipments went through Fez first to the USA (44%), and more moderately to Belgium and France (9% each). As for carpet shipments, more than 71% went through Casablanca, with the USA as the main destination (75%).

With a smaller share (15%), Marrakech exported 34% of this family of products to the USA, 20% to France and 15% to the destination “Other European Countries”, in particular the Scandinavian countries (36%) and Switzerland (31%), explains the same source. Regarding basketry items, they were exported primarily by Casablanca (44%). “1/3 of these shipments were sent to Spain (33%), followed by France (18%) and the USA (15%).

The share of Marrakech (28%) was destined for more than half (55%) to France and far behind to Spain (12%). Through Tangier (15%), it is mainly to Spain (52%), and Italy (28%)”, notes the crafts department. By destination, the United States, France and Arab countries are the markets most attracted by Moroccan handicraft exports. “They recorded the largest shares in export turnover in the period January-April 2023 (39, 20 and 9% respectively).

The first two destinations also recorded the largest contributions to the recorded growth (11 and 8% respectively)”, argues the same source. And to add: “Towards the USA, more than 2/3 of shipments (70%) were made by Casablanca, with mainly Pottery & Stone and Carpets (44 and 42% respectively). From Marrakech, whose share was 19%, shipments were made up first of Pottery & Stone (24%), followed by Wood (18%), products in the “Miscellaneous” category (17%), and Carpet (16%)”. It should also be noted that for France, the most products (45%) come from Marrakech. They are mainly made up of Basketry (25%), those in the “Miscellaneous” category (24%), and Pottery & Stone (17%). For its part, Casablanca has a share of 34% consisting primarily of traditional clothing (25%), carpets (24%), pottery & stone (18%) and basketry (17%). As for shipments from Fez (15%) to France, they largely concern traditional clothing (82%). 39% of exports to Arab countries transited through Casablanca. These shipments include Traditional Clothing (63%) and Pottery & Stone (21%). It appears that 30% went through Tangier with a 98% share of traditional clothing.

Through Marrakech (17%), it is mainly wooden articles (30%), brassware (22%), those in the “Miscellaneous” category and pottery & stone (17% each) that were exported to the Arab countries. By continent, Europe is in first position with a 44% share, achieving growth of 18% at the end of April 2023. It is followed in second place by America with a share of 41% (+35%). Asia comes third in this ranking with a share of 7% (+40%), then Africa with 5% (-54%) and finally Oceania with 3% (+1%). If we zoom in on the performance by city of origin during the first four months of 2023, handicraft exports were largely sent by Casablanca.
It remains the leading exit point (49% of global exports). Marrakech comes as the 2nd exit point, followed by Fez. In terms of contribution to growth in export turnover at the end of April 2023, Marrakech, Tangier and Fez are the cities that contributed the most to this performance, recording respective contributions in percentage points of 11.5 and 3%.

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