In summer it is much more likely that your email or Facebook will be stolen; protect yourself like this

2023-06-21 11:14:00

Los hackers they can take advantage of certain times of the year to launch attacks and steal passwords, data or compromise systems. He summer It is one of those dates when they can be most successful. But why does this happen? In this article we tell you why your email, Facebook or any other platform account is more likely to be stolen. We are going to give you some recommendations so that you can be more protected and avoid problems of this type.

There are many attacks that they can launch, such as Phishing, keyloggers, impersonation on social networks… All this will not only expose your data, but you might lose control of the accounts or even affect third parties. Therefore, being properly protected is going to be essential.

Computer attacks in summer

Summer is a time of more movement, travel, changes in companies… The first thing is that you can connect to more public wifi networks and, also, use the mobile more. Think of a trip abroad in which you are going to use a lot of Wi-Fi networks. In addition, you might have to make a purchase or query by mobile. You are more likely to make a mistake and hackers can take advantage of it.

We must also mention the issue of companies. With more people on vacation, there will be fewer cybersecurity workers. There might be even less experienced workers covering those vacations. Attackers can take advantage of it to launch campaigns that target companies and workers in certain industries. But these workers may use personal devices, such as their own mobile or computer, to work from home, check company email, etc.

Another point to note is that there is a increased use of social media by young people. As there are no classes, there is an increase in the time spent using platforms such as Facebook or Instagram. They might even use their parents’ devices, if they are small, which can pose an added risk at this time of year.

Therefore, as you see in summer you can suffer computer attacks more frequently. Cybercriminals will be on the lookout to take advantage of any minimal opportunity and it is advisable to carefully review everything you do on the network to reduce the risk as much as possible.

How to protect yourself in summer

So what should you do to increase security in summer? There really isn’t that much difference with the rest of the year, but you have to enhance what you should already do. This will help you avoid many attacks and that your online accounts are not compromised under any circumstances.

The first thing is that you must use good passwords. Avoid having insecure keys, which can be easily exploited. The interesting thing is to use totally random passwords, that do not contain personal data, that have an adequate length and, in addition, change them from time to time to renew that security.

You should also enhance the security of the devices. install a good antivirusessential for detecting malware. Update the system is another important protection measure, since there may be vulnerabilities that you should fix. All this will help you protect the social media accounts you use.

As you can see, it is essential that you protect yourself correctly this summer. The objective is to avoid many computer attacks that can put your Internet accounts at risk. Changing the Windows password, for example, is an option that will help you enhance security and avoid problems.

#summer #email #Facebook #stolen #protect



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