Discover the Power of Arginine: Boost Male Glory and Improve Health Naturally

2023-06-20 16:00:00

Drugs or health foods that help strengthen yang have always been popular in the market, from the famous Viagra to the popular Maca in recent years. Recently, there is a health food “arginine” that is also very popular. In fact, it is similar to Viagra and Maca have a little in common! What exactly is arginine? Can arginine be an aphrodisiac?

Arginine (Arginine) is also called arginine. It is a “semi-essential amino acid” for the human body. The human body can synthesize it by itself, but it is often not enough, so it must be taken from food. Arginine has long been regarded as a raw material for protein composition, but in recent years, studies have found that arginine can be converted into nitric oxide, which is an important role in regulating metabolism and helps male impotence. The following “Wayne’s Food Farming Life” will explain in detail why arginine can strengthen yang, other important health benefits, and possible side effects.

How does arginine work? Why is arginine an aphrodisiac?

Arginine is the precursor of various functional molecules in the human body. Arginine forms these functional components through a variety of metabolic pathways and participates in regulation. These molecules include nitric oxide (NO), creatine phosphate, agmatine, polyamine, ornithine, citrulline, and others. Arginine can regulate immune function, wound healing, hormone secretion, regulate vascular tension, coordinate insulin sensitivity and regulate endothelial tissue and other functions.

One of the reasons why arginine can perform so many functions in depth is that arginine stimulates the production of nitric oxide (NO) in the body. Nitric Oxide used to be considered an insignificant thing, but now it’s not easy to find out!

Nitric oxide is the body’s vasodilator

Dr. Murad, a Nobel laureate, discovered that nitric oxide can convey many physiological regulatory signals. For example, it can relax vascular smooth muscle cells and help blood circulation, so it can regulate atherosclerosis, blood pressure, and Fight fatigue; in addition, nitric oxide can regulate the adhesion of white blood cells and the effect of platelet aggregation; now it is found that nitric oxide also plays an important role in the immune system, and is even related to the regulation of carcinogenesis and tumor growth.

Research on Nitric Oxide Creates “Father of Viagra”

These discoveries made Dr. Murad honored as the father of Viagra, because Viagra strengthened the effect of nitric oxide production and turned it from a heart disease drug to a good friend of many men.

In order for the body to produce a sufficient amount of nitric oxide, it can actually be achieved through food intake, which is to supplement more foods rich in arginine, because arginine will be metabolized into nitric oxide in the body.

Arginine has 6 major functions

1. Regulate cardiovascular function

Arginine can relieve the symptoms of angina and prevent heart disease. Arginine may help prevent heart disease caused by narrowing of blood vessels, according to a 2019 meta-study. Also, because arginine has a blood vessel dilating effect, studies have deduced that it may help people with peripheral artery disease.

2. May Lower Blood Pressure

Oral arginine can lower blood pressure and also prevent hypertension from occurring. There was even a meta-study in 2021 showing that arginine might help lower high blood pressure.

3. Promote hormone secretion

Arginine can stimulate the secretion of growth hormone and insulin.

4. Helps immunity

Arginine can help wound healing and also help maintain the immune system.

5. Helps recover from fatigue and improves athletic performance

Arginine can accelerate blood flow, relax blood vessels, and help accelerate the removal of fatigue products, so it is often supplemented by athletes in high doses. Arginine supplementation may have positive effects on aerobic and anaerobic exercise performance, according to results of a 2020 study.

6. Helps male sexual function

Because arginine helps blood circulation, it can help solve the problem of sexual dysfunction, help erections, prolong sexual activity time, and increase libido. Erectile dysfunction has been theorized to be related to low levels of arginine in the body. In a 2017 study, experts theorized that this may be due to narrowing of blood vessels. So arginine supplements are often used to help men function.

What are the natural foods rich in arginine?

Foods rich in arginine include:

Pork (mitral, trotter) Chicken breast, turkey breast Milk, dairy products, yogurt lobster mussels soy sesame pumpkin seeds

These foods are very easy to obtain, especially pork, soybeans, etc., which are very suitable for men to revive their vigor or recover from fatigue. The recently well-known Maca also has similar functions because it is rich in arginine.

Reminder for the day of treatment: a large amount of arginine has mild side effects

It is safe to take a moderate amount of arginine from food or supplements, because it is a part of natural protein, but taking large amounts may have side effects such as nausea, dizziness, and flatulence. Generally speaking, it is recommended to consume less than 15-30 grams a day.

Treatment day extension recommendation:
Can Maca strengthen yang and relieve menopausal discomfort? Who can’t eat it?Take you to understand the efficacy and taboo of Maca

Have a good chat and heal your healthy life

This article is reproduced from:Wayne’s Farm Life The original title is:What is the effect of arginine? Start the nitric oxide cycle in the body, promote height, and boost male glory!? What are the side effects? Recommended foods containing natural arginine

Image source: 123RF

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