Surviving Everyday Life with Twins: Cheers to Their Performance!

2023-06-21 05:05:00

Twins are a little miracle that causes a lot of fuss in mom and dad’s everyday life. Two hungry mouths, two full diapers and two creatures that need attention. Parents of twins know what it means to be stressed. That’s why we say: Cheers to their performance.

A small miracle: twins

There will be twins and the parents are literally on cloud nine. Congratulations ring out from everywhere. Mum and dad are extremely proud and happy regarding the family happiness together.

However, everyday life soon harbors some problems and that in the double pack.

Everyday life with twins

Before the birth, the parents are usually caught in a fog of joy, so that the thought of managing everyday life is initially pushed aside. But soon it becomes clear what life now consists of: diaper changing, feeding and breastfeeding.

Once you have met the needs of one child, the other will want something from you. When one baby sleeps, the other starts crying and wakes up his sibling. At this point at the latest it becomes clear to parents of twins: this is the hard part Everyday.

Just time for the kids

The twin parents are so busy that they have no time for negative thoughts. Boredom stays away and they quickly realize that they are able to master everything. Even if the concerns were great and maybe still are, mom and dad face all problems heroically.

And finally they are rewarded for it with one Smile on the faces of their offspring that says: “It’s great what you two are doing for us.”

#Chapeau #daily #performance #twin #parents



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