Julieth Lozano: The Best Opera Singer in the World from Colombia at the Cardiff Singer of the World Competition

2023-06-19 21:05:00

Julieth Lozano is a young Colombian who was chosen by the public as the best opera singer in the world at the Cardiff Singer of the World Competition which took place from June 10 to 18.

Lozano, who has coastal roots, since his mother is from the corregimiento of Campeche, Baranoa and his father from Cartagena, won the international lyrical award, which was held in the United Kingdom.

“I feel like I’m in a dream because it’s amazing. I can’t explain what it feels like in that theater. Knowing that so many people voted for me. I applied, I auditioned because I thought I had a chance, but I never imagined this “he said in an interview on W Radio.

He thanked all the people who trusted his talent and that helped her live the most important moment of her career.

“I want to send each person who voted for me or who sees my art that I send them a hug. I appreciate that they receive a part of me, I tried to show who I really was ”, he pointed.

The young woman was born in Bogota, but he spent his childhood in Campeche, where he got used to hearing the cumbia and vallenato. He studied engineering, but found his passion for music, from a very young age.

“When I started studying singing, it was simply a passion and I never imagined getting to these places”, he claimed. Lozano always in his clothes tries to show his passion for his ancestral culture and always carry a little piece of Colombia.

This contest has been running for 40 editions and a Colombian has never participated.

The artist commented in an Instagram post that “Singing Maria Grever alongside pieces by Beethoven and Donizetti, among others, was almost cathartic. The Latin American song needs more voices to bring it to life”.

“It has validity, it has light, it has the same place on big stages as any renowned composer and its challenges are unique. With a lump in my throat before singing (because he made me feel closer to home than ever) that presentation was confirmation for me that I have to fill my repertoire with many more Latin American voices ”, he claimed.

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