2023-06-19 08:00:21

Are you allergic? One of your relatives is allergic? Do you have questions regarding allergies? World Allergy Week, which takes place from June 19 to 24, 2023, will be the opportunity to get all the answers to your questions and to learn more regarding allergy, thanks to a 100% online event. and totally free!

Allergies, a large set of responses to allergens

THE allergies group together all the symptoms, serious or more benign, which occur during the exposure of a sensitized person to an allergen. They correspond to immune system disorderswhich cause intolerance to seemingly harmless environmental substances, allergens. The allergy therefore develops in two stages:

A first step of sensitization during the encounter with the allergen; A second step of revelation where each contact with the allergen causes allergic symptoms.

To know ! Cross-allergy refers to allergies caused by physically and chemically related allergens. Cross allergies between food and pollen are an illustration of this.

Allergies can manifest themselves in different ways, depending on the nature of the allergen or the region of the body in contact with the allergen:

The same person can present different forms of allergies, simultaneously or successively according to the allergens to which he is allergic.

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Nearly one in three French people is allergic

These allergic reactions, frequent in the population, have a strong impact on the daily lives of allergic subjects, but most often remain harmless. Appropriate treatments exist and can provide relief in the event of an allergic crisis. Whenever possible, avoidance of the allergen must be sought. On the other hand, there is a serious form of allergy, the anaphylactic shock, which is life-threatening. This is the most severe form of allergy, which corresponds to a generalized reaction of the body to exposure to the allergen.

For several years, allergy figures have been worrying specialists. According to estimates, approximately 25-30% of the population suffers from at least one type of allergy. The incidence increases from year to year, especially in children, with an increase in cases of eczema or asthma. The prevalence of asthma, around 2% 15 years ago, is now 7%. How to explain such an increase? Several factors are put forward by the experts, even if their contribution is not always clearly demonstrated:

The global warming which contributes to lengthening the pollination period, to increasing the quantities of pollen suspended in the atmospheric air and to reinforcing the allergenic potential of pollen; There atmospheric pollution, in particular the quantity of fine particles in suspension in the air; THE interior atmospheres of housing (hygiene products, housing materials, furniture, etc.); THE dietary practices and in particular the consumption of processed products; There repeated medication.Read also – Reactions to the sun: differentiating between sun allergy and sunburn

Allergies, a global public health issue

The world allergy week will be an opportunity for everyone to take stock of their knowledge of allergies and to learn more. Over the 6 days of discoveries offered by the SYFAL (French Syndicate of Allergists), 21 experts will be brought together to talk regarding allergies. The program includes many contents:

Information on the links between allergies and the environment; Thematic information webinars led by experts; Educational videos and podcasts to understand the different forms of allergies and discover allergy professions; Practical tools for patients to learn regarding allergies and better manage them on a daily basis.

Resources will also be provided for accessing information on allergens and allergy treatments. To find the complete program of the event, go to the site.

According to experts’ projections, in 2050, half of the world’s population might be allergic. Allergies are already the fourth chronic disease worldwide. By understanding the issues related to these diseases, patients and those around them can learn to live better with them!

Read also – The daily use of disinfectants during pregnancy would promote allergies in children

Estelle B., Doctor of Pharmacy


World Allergy Week. From June 19 to 24, 2023 100% online and free. www.semaine-allergie.fr. Accessed June 13, 2023.
– Recognize an allergy. www.ameli.fr. Accessed June 13, 2023.
#world #allergy #week



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