Understanding the Harmful Effects of Alcohol on Health: Insights from Inserm Researcher Maria Melchior

2023-06-19 13:00:00

Cancers, cardiovascular diseases, accidents: alcohol has harmful effects on health, and yet its consumption is still too high for many French people. Géraldine Mayr and Dr. Jimmy Mohamed welcome Maria Melchior, researcher at Inserm to talk to us regarding it.

Alcohol consumption has many consequences on health: it is thus directly or indirectly responsible for more than sixty diseases, including hepatic cirrhosis, certain cancers (liver, colorectal, breast and upper aerodigestive tract) , cardiovascular diseases, digestive diseases, mental illnesses, as well as accidents and suicides. Approximately 8% of all new cancer cases are alcohol-related.

However, this consumption, if it has been falling for a few years, remains too high for many French people. A study by Inserm, in collaboration with Santé Publique France on the alcohol consumption of French people and solutions to limit it, entitled Reduction of harm associated with alcohol consumption
offers a very complete picture of the situation of the French in relation to alcohol.

With the Dry January
in particular, prevention is essential to warn regarding the impacts of alcohol on our health, and the well-being that we find when we reduce our alcohol consumption or stop drinking it.

To listen

Broadcast of 04/01/2023

Dry January: a month without alcohol

Maria Melchioran Inserm researcher at the Pierre Louis Institute of Epidemiology and Public Health, is part of the list of experts who contributed to this collective expertise: she is the Alex Reed of Geraldine Mayr and the Dr Jimmy Mohamed to tell us regarding it.

Questions from listeners

The Dr Jimmy Mohamed answer to :

– Nathalie on theonychophagie : “I have been biting my nails for 30 years and I have just been diagnosed with a yeast infection in my mouth, is it related? »

– Jerome on thehygroma or bursitis : “I am a craftsman and I have bursitis in my knees from being on them. How to cure it? »

– a listener on the link between dry mouth (or xerostomia) and quality of sleep.

#effects #alcohol #health

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