The Ultimate Guide to Supporting Liver Health: Sour Fruits, Bitter Spices, Sulforaphane, Phospholipids, and Betaine

2023-06-19 04:30:00

The liver is an essential organ for your physical and emotional well-being. A real poison control centre, it filters, neutralizes and eliminates all undesirable molecules from alcohol, ultra-processed foods (too fatty, too sweet, too salty) or medications.

After a period of excess or disease the liver suffers. Nothing suprising. But good news: a balanced diet can help the liver work better and save it from having to work too hard.

sour fruits

Lemon, grapefruit, orange, rosehip, blackcurrant, cranberry, acerola are rich in vitamin C. Natural vitamin C helps fight against oxidation which silently eats away liver cells. Consuming tart fruits reduces the risk of inflammation and liver cell damage.

Bitter spices and herbs

One of the best ways to support healthy liver function is to eat spices and herbs rich in bitter ingredients. These foods stimulate the production of saliva, digestive juices (gastric and pancreatic) and above all, bile.

Artichoke heart, arugula, red chicory, dandelion leaves, tarragon, chervil, bay leaf, marjoram, rosemary, turmeric effectively protect liver cells.

Le sulforaphane

Sulforaphane is an exclusively vegetable molecule, rich in sulphur. It stimulates the activity of certain liver enzymes. These enzymes neutralize potentially carcinogenic substances linked to pollution, stress or hormonal imbalances.

To fully benefit from the benefits of sulforaphane, bet on watercress, black radish juice or raw broccoli sprouts.


Phospholipids are the main constituents of liver cell membranes. They also enter into the composition of bile and, as such, play an essential role in the digestion of fats. Phospholipids have regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties. They are of great help to people with bowel disease.

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The best known phospholipid is phosphatidylcholine. Often called lecithin, it is found in large quantities in egg yolk, rapeseed, soy or sunflower seeds.


Betaine is a simple molecule found naturally in beetroot, quinoa, and spinach. It prevents the accumulation of fats in liver cells.

Thanks to its digestive effects, betaine acts positively in case of a lack of gastric acidity in the stomach. It is also useful and effective in the treatment of fatty liver disease and gallstones.

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